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Responses: 14
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
The president said today in his press conference that the fight between Turkey, Syria and the Kurds has nothing to do with us. He said its fine if the Russians want to get involved, because there's just "a lot of sand" over there. If that is in fact his policy, then so be it. But then why is he threatening to sanction Turkey over this? Trump said he's known for months the Erdogen wanted to attack. He gave them the greenlight by pulling our troops out of the way. We told him that's not our problem. So why are we sanctioning them for something we had the ability to stop before it happened? Seems like Trump is trying to have his cake and eat it too.
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1SG Steven Imerman
For the last two months Trump has seemed to be doing everything he can to get the House to impeach him, I think this letter is part of that effort. Maybe he thinks it will fire his base, maybe he wants a stand up fight in the impeachment process, maybe he wants it now and not next year, I don't know. It also appears the Dem leadership smells a rat and are doing everything they can not to let it happen, at least not now. Bill Clinton is as close to a political genius as we have right now, he has been silent on it, and maybe he sees what Trump is trying to do and is reining in Pelosi and Schumer. Time will tell.

American presidential politics, the greatest show on Earth.
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Haha we elected a reality television personality as President and we’re surprised we got reality TV as a government
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SSgt Addison R. Mike Rowe 2020!!

I liked the little bit I heard from the governor of Montana. Seems at least reasonable and honest. Tammy Duckworth carries a lot of credibility with me personally. If you want to check out a truly unique politician look into the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. I disagree with several of his policy positions but as a person I think he might be one of the best we have. And he’s put his money where his mouth is, trying to rebuild one of our most blighted cities and sticking it out through some very tough dangerous times.
1SG Steven Imerman
1SG Steven Imerman
5 y
SFC Thomas Foreman - I've long thought Bush II was not nearly as good a Republican president as Clinton, if you look at the major things he did and the support that grew the economy. Clinton folks, however, hate that statement, perhaps because it is so true.
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1SG Steven Imerman I don’t get so caught up in party lines, just results. I’m funny like that.
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CMSgt Security Forces
Oh, look, another 'leak'. Someone is making it extremely difficult for the president to conduct foreign affairs...and people applaud. I don't care if the president is Dem/Rep, not being able to conduct business with foreign leaders in confidence has dire consequences for the nation.
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