Posted on Sep 23, 2021
Recruiting Women and People of Color Has Gotten Harder. The Air Force Thinks Diverse Leadership...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I wish everyone would wake up one day and not think about race or gender or religious choices or sexual orientation, I wish they would just wake up and see the sunshine and observe what a beautiful world we live in... Why is this one little thing so hard for so many people?
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
I'd prefer a day without having to think what Hoover, Reagan, W., and Trump did to us.
PFC David Foster
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - You get A+ too, but need eternity, not just one day... one day, better than no days lol....
I am not convinced it has gotten harder rather they may not want what the military is offering.
SGT (Join to see)
Chief this is true. Many in the African American community think service is not for them. I've gotten into many arguments with people on social media over this topic. Apparently the argument is why die for a country that doesn't see your humanity. And OAN I wanted to join the airforce and my husband wanted me to join the Navy. Neither airforce or navy recruiters were ever at the office. The Marines and Army was there everyday. I'm sure not having as many recruiting offices or recruiters also play a role in lower numbers.
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