Posted on Aug 28, 2019
Report: Hong Kong Police Are Randomly Arresting Bystanders At Protests
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Those ChiComs are gonna lose, sooner or's just a matter of when, not if...then Taiwan can be restored as the true Chinese government in exile, once and for all, and that whole insane asylum can finally be a democratic repubkic, as it was always meant to be, should have been, and would have been, had it not been for all the colonization, as well as Japan subjecting the whole place in WW2, which was how Mao, Chou, Deng, and those other Commie lunatics got into power in the first place...Hong Kong is never gonna submit, any more than Poland did to Russia, nor is Taiwan...I give those Commie lunatics a few decades, along with those Hermit Kingdom weirdos, before they're all consigned to the dustbin of history....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Same for Czechoslovakia, Hundary, and Romania...they're all free now, finally, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and North Korea will be,'ll just take a few decades....
Keep in mind that Hong Kong's police, infrastructure, etc, is the system put in place by Britain. Ie; non-communist, ie' "freedom loving." The Chinese were told by Britain "leave Hong Kong alone and it will reap dividends for you." China to their credit, has left Hong Kong to its own devices and has become a wealthy nation because of it.
Its been close to 20 years since the West has left and Hong Kong has indeed been left to its own governance. This is a feather in China's cap as it can say to Taiwan at any time, "see, we keep our word and won't kill you and place you in death camps like your American puppet master has predicted."
Its been close to 20 years since the West has left and Hong Kong has indeed been left to its own governance. This is a feather in China's cap as it can say to Taiwan at any time, "see, we keep our word and won't kill you and place you in death camps like your American puppet master has predicted."
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