Right into the waiting arms of the Democrats? I think not. Okay, we're displeased with the President and other Republicans backing off of their support for the right to self defense. Think about their position. There's a lot of popular support for gun control/gun confiscation/all the rest after every mass shooting, and they even more scared after two or more such incidents occur in quick succession. Well, where are we? Haven't many 2nd Amendment rights advocates hunkered down under the pressure of popular opinion. It's a times like these that the 2nd Amendment (and the Constitution itself) need us more than ever. We must show our elected representatives that we are not flagging in our support. In fact, we must be ever more vocal at times such as these. If we truly believe that gun control will not lower the risk of these shootings, now's the time to say so. And the last thing we need is talk of abandoning the party over single issues such as this. Nothing would better insure the Left ascending to dominance and the end of the Constitution.