Posted on Dec 13, 2016
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
Riots, dead cops, and race relations set back to the late 60's. Was it worth it?
Capt Jeff S.
Well... seeing as the DNC is as corrupt as the day is long, and could only manage to run old white people for POTUS, I'd say all the race baiting has paid off. Not to mention the RNC has control of the Executive, House and Senate. AND the RNC is set to make appointments to the Judicial branch which will keep the Supreme Court conservative for years to come. Just sayin'....
CPT Alexander Grant
So because race-baiting was effective, the ends justifies the means? Or... do you have a point other than taking a shot at the Dems?
Capt Jeff S.
I hate to break the news to you but the Democrats are the ones race-baiting and trying to divide the country along lines of race, class and gender. They are the ones responsible for the election anomalies. They are the ones paying people to riot and are calling for recounts so that they can pull off an EC coup. Hillary cheated and had all the questions in advance during the debates and was signaling to Lester Holt. Apparently, if you are not cheating, you aren't trying. Clearly the Democrats, believe that the end justifies the means and it is reflected in their actions. What they can't come to grips with is that they lost because their policies SUCK, their hypocrisy is undeniable, and their wounds are self-inflicted.
If they had a shred of integrity we wouldn't be having this conversation.
If they had a shred of integrity we wouldn't be having this conversation.
An older article but interesting info in it which is relevant even to this day...
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