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Responses: 3
Cpl Jeff N.
Mini-revolt is correct. What is revolting is that some of these RINO's were elected and re-elected as "conservatives". Flake and Corker cannot win re-election and they know it so they are pouting like children before departing the dome acting as though they are virtuous. What they are is defeated before a single ballot is cast. They don't want the public humiliation of a defeat so they walk away. That is okay, I understand vanity is very real for folks that have sat atop of the little people for too long.

In order to change the game, some of the creatures that need to be ushered out have "R"'s after their names. That is okay.

We all know McCain and Trump have no love lost for each other. McCain has become a smaller man for it. He sees the will of his party and his response is to fight it rather than figure out how to best align with it and support the will of the voters. We call that disconnected from reality where I come from.
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Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Corker and Flake saw the light. They see Trump for who he is, a parasite that feeds off the middle-class and poor. Unless you're a billionaire, you're just a Trump donkey.
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MSgt Stephen Council
These two traitors to the conservative agenda are a welcome loss to our cause. By the way: John McCain should just get it over with and declare himself a democrat. The problem we face now is that our President is such a loose cannon that I fear his only four years in office are going to hand both bodies and the white house back to the party of democrats. The state of Alabama is about to hand over a long held republican seat in the senate to the party of democrats due to the perception that our President has no idea how to act "Presidential" and continues to demean the office by getting into petty squabbles on twitter and the very poor choice of a whacko conservative hand grenade thrower named Roy Moore to run against a solid middle of the road democrat. This is all made worse by the fact that even with a clear conservative majority and a republican white house, NO SIGNIFICANT LEGISLATION has been produced. Its business as usual, even with the supposed anti establishment republican in the WH. Now, before you start accusing me of being left wing, I am a lifelong, Regan conservative. I am just dismayed by the fact that these people who are supposed to represent the people and the conservative right, are likely handing everything over to what my be worse than our former "community organizer in chief".
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