Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
There are two issues raised by this article that I would like to address. First, I have never agreed that war should not be left to the generals. That's exactly who should prosecute it. Civilian meddling has never been constructive. The civilians should make the decision to make war or not and, most importantly, set the goals and objectives. Civilian leaders should then focus on leading civilians to provide military leaders with the personnel, equipment, and supplies necessary to wage war. My second observation has nothing to do with strategy. It's about style. I find the use of the feminine references, such as feminine pronouns, awkward and contrived. In every instance, the author could have used plural references, they, them, and their. For example, instead of writing " the officer should use her judgement...", Simply write "officers should use their judgement..."
COL John McClellan
PO2 Jonathan Scharff - I'm afraid my actual point was lost on you sir, and CPT Jack. The point being: it IS sexism, and men have behaved this way for decades and need to recognize it - as this author did - by letting any of the many female strategists now operating in our military that he is aware they are there. That they are part of the team! To it's actually a form of accountability that we expect the same level of performance... and not the reverse, as portrayed.
CPT Jack Durish
COL John McClellan - Sexism is in the eye of the beholder and your persistence gives me pause to wonder. Are you attempting to mitigate your own guilt? I have no such guilt. I once even quit a job because the employer unabashedly stated that he was paying me more for the same job that a female co-employee was being paid because, after all, I'm a man and have a family to support. And, as I mentioned earlier, I have always used plural in my writings to avoid showing preferences based on gender. Thus, my conscience is clear and I will continue my practice. Now, if you have to pay penance for some past transgressions, have at it. Just don't transfer your guilt on others
COL John McClellan
CPT Jack Durish - Nice. What I'm doing is standing with this author who had the presence of mind to address an institutional failing, of men. But thanks for the analysis of my psyche… I'm just fine. The article, as written bothered you, not me. Maybe some viewing this conversation will feel the points are valid.
CPT Jack Durish
COL John McClellan - That's fair. I say what I mean and mean what I say and stand ready to bear the consequences
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