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Responses: 4
SFC John D.
Edited 8 mo ago
Sorry I missed your post earlier Bernard. Came across it and, as predicted, the far-left progressives come out and try to distort the truth while accusing you of posting an article that distorts the truth.

"Long one by design with plenty of ads" - either LCpl James Klinicki is using a computer loaded with spy-ware (possible) or is lying .. oh, sorry, too strong ... or is spewing the typical left-wing progressive misinformation (they love using that word). Screen grab of the entire thing attached.

"The very last paragraph tells the truth of why this "Polemicist" was sent to Jail." - actually the first one does. The "very last paragraph" speaks to what happened before now. That's what the word "previously" means. It might be hard for a progressive to understand fully, but there is this think called a "dic-shun-airy" (actually spelled dictionary, but included how it sounds in case you need help). Here's the very last paragraph (with the word previously highlighted in case you need more help comprehending the sentence) - "This conviction was not the first time Soral has gotten into trouble over his words as he was PREVIOUSLY and repeatedly convicted in France for denying the Holocaust, which is a crime in France. He was sentenced to jail time in 2019 over the denials."

In case you have the inability to understand anything that doesn't come from at least left-leaning media (usually true for far-left progressives ... ESPECIALLY true for Chip if you haven't noticed), here are a few more links from center or left-leaning sources.


Even one from France for you, and a state-owned one to boot! Just what the far-left progressives love, so it should do it for you!

You're Welcome...lol.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
8 mo
Progressives need to be spoon feed everything. They only regurgitate what their masters tell them.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
8 mo
Thank God for our Founding Fathers and their belief in the right of free speech!
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woof. Words hurt...but it's crazy to see that they actually cause prison time in some countries. Thanks for the share.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
9 mo
No one can make stuff like this up! We live in a crazy world.
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Now that’s crazy, but if we’re not careful and Biden’s steals this election again, the punishment for any conservative that just mentions the name of Donald John Trump again, they too might get 60 days of hard labor. Now of course I’m only being sarcastic however, that’s not to far fetched considering just the mention of a name can/will set these fragile minded liberals off, so it’s possible it could happen. Just imagine when Trump wins, I can’t begin to imagine the tantrums these snowflakes are going to throw. I can’t wait because I’m positive it’s going to be a Kodak moment for those of us who are old enough to remember what a Kodak moment is. Now for those of you who are to young y too remember, it’s going to be priceless, so have your iPhones ready because the pictures are going to be worth more than a thousand words lol. Im sure when the shock wears off they’re going to need a “snowflake safe space” because their heads are going to explode in both anger and shock, the same way it did when the “Orange Man” defeated their girl Hillary. Trump 2024!!
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8 mo
SFC (Join to see) Your right brother and crazy corrupt Hillary is calling for reprogramming camps for MAGA Republicans. I’m still confused because who and what qualifies us as MAGA Republicans lol. Its a catch word that they think is bad however, more republicans should come out and embrace “Make America Great Again”. I believe we all should want a greater America because when America’s winning we’re all winning but I guess liberals don’t see it that way, they want us weak, woke, broke and dependent on the government in every aspect of our lives.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
8 mo
MGySgt Samuel Steen - It's the Progressive, Democrat, Socialist, Communist way of using Alinsky’s Rules, in this case Rule 12. Our Democrats have attempted to paint President Trump as a selfish rich person who is in bed with Russia. It doesn’t matter that it’s not true, they took snippets of information (half-truths) from here and there to try to make President Trump evil to our people. Now they freeze it and try to cut off all support from what they are trying to destroy.

President Trump wasn’t my first choice in 2016 but I came to understand he is the only person I know strong enough to stand up to their pressure. Look at what they’ve done, they have him up on charges in 4 courtrooms and it’s driving them crazy that they can’t separate his support from him. Have you listened how they are trying to turn people against President Trump? They say, “How long will it be before people start deserting him”. They are making an effort now to paint anyone who agrees with anything President Trump says something worse than the devil. They have to do this or President Trump will win the 2024 Election in a landslide, and they can’t stand the thought of that.

Even though I don’t agree with everything President Trump says you can count me as a MAGA person. In my book whoever doesn’t want America Great is a Communist!
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8 mo
SFC (Join to see) i couldn’t have said it any better and it’s true Trump is the only billionaire I know that put up with the last almost eight years of BS harassment of him and his entire family. I will have no problem voting for him the third time. I can’t believe people don’t see the crap he went through just to become president. Your right he’s the only one that will put Americans and first.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
8 mo
MGySgt Samuel Steen - Hilary is a comunist leaning b--ch. Lets see if I get dinged for that coment, by the cencorship police.

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