Responses: 3
Ladies and Gentlemen... many of us understand all of this. My question is simple: what do we intend to do about it? For my own part, I think the current strategy is primarily to vote for the parties and candidates (few though they are) still loyal to the Constitution. Additionally, I think we have an obligation to speak out, speak clearly, and speak confidently against what we instinctively know to be wrong. It's going to start costing us things to do that... friendships, relationships, maybe even jobs; but I think we have to stand fast. Furthermore, we need to remember that the forum that matters most is the voting booth... not the "Twittersphere". "Fantasies" of waiting until some fictional "battle" are clearly playing into the opposition's plan. There may hypothetically come a day when actual fighting is required... but we need to be realistic about what that would truly mean, and how inadequate and futile such a stand would be sans the legislative and public support necessary to legitimatize it; let alone the logistics. I believe our domestic enemies are COUNTING on our inability to coalesce around our principles, plant our feet, and simply say, "NO!". What is needed are not half-baked and disconnected "militias" or wannabes... but city council members, mayors, school administrators, state senators, governors, members of congress, justices of the Supreme Court... and yes, members of the Armed Forces who are unequivocally committed to the founding principles of the American Republic. If we can breathe new life into THAT concept... the more extreme hypothetical possibilities may indeed become impossibilities.
CPT Jack Durish
All politics is local, but we seem too easily distracted by the District of Calamity. If we choose wisely in our local and state government, the problems in Washington will ultimately sort out themselves
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