Yesterday, I washed my car at Costco in San Juan Capistrano and pulled behind the warehouse outlet to dry it and Windex the windows. As I worked I noticed a nearby culvert that a homeless person had converted into his squat, but he was no where to be seen. I covered a $5 bill with a scrap piece of paper and attached both to a pine cone, then tossed it next to his kit. I don't relate this story to solicit your praise. Indeed, I am loathe to mention it but it helps prove a point. I am liberal, but not the kind mentioned in this story. Those are Liberals and they care nothing for liberty nor, it appears, are they liberal in their ways. They simply cling to the label "Liberal" to hide their true Leftist/Socialist inclinations. Any who have followed me on RP know that I have little use for Liberals. This article will help you understand why. BTW, I wish we would stop calling them Liberals. It is dishonest...