Posted on Dec 15, 2021
The Federal Income Tax Is Already Very Progressive | National Review
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Issue is that income tax may be progressive, but utlra-rich avoid it with a loan trick. Borrowing money despite already being worth billions lets them not count loan money as income while also not having to sell appreciated stock.
The wealthiest Americans avoided billions in taxes by voluntarily doing something most only do...
Income taxes: 37%. Capital gains: 20%. ProPublica found billionaires avoid those by borrowing from banks at interest rates of less than 10%.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Yes, agree with your point that the ultra-rich are taking advantage of loopholes within the tax code. Solution to that is to change the tax code to remove those loopholes. Why does Congress not address this?
Really??????? My sons hate the new LACK OF DEDUCTUONS. I know the 1% billionaire and golf course owners love it however. Thanks there GOP. Your love for the rich knows no bounds.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Seven question marks? You seem overwrought. It's just facts about the tax code. No need to get an aneurism.
All I know is that we are all over taxed, the govt. needs to take a class on fiscal responsibility.
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