Posted on Mar 1, 2020
The man behind pro wrestling legend Sgt. Slaughter tells stories of combat tours in Vietnam. But...
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 9
Imagine that, TV wrestling is fake and TV wrestlers are fake. The wonder of it all. lol
He probably has PTSD from ducking all that sniper fire in Bosnia. In the era of “woke” things like stolen valor, gender ID, and truth don’t matter. The new Left made this happen so sit back and enjoy it.
SP6 Gary Dailey
The new left???? Are you brain dead or work undercover for Putin???? While the POS der Rump is constantly on his knees in front of Putin and Kim ad Xi???? Get a grip on some TRUE reality...any 4th grader who does their homework can fill you in...BTW: the ONLY piece of legislation that the NAZI GREEDY GOP KKKLAN has ever passed which benefits the Earth and the human species since IKE, was the establishment of the EPA under tricKKKy dicKKK.....the rest ( fair housing, Consumer Protection Agency voting rights, womens' rights, etc.) have ALL come from the Democrats...ALL of the most recent national government failures (9/11, Katrina, Corona) have all come under the infantile, ignorant, narcissistic GOP KKKLAN...LTC = Looser Terribly college we used to call PHD's Piled Higher and Deeper, same for 'certain" officers.....get some serious help and go back to school.....PS: WWF is for losers.....
SP6 Gary Dailey
I'm surprised you could even type a wki search! Did you have your 4 year old daughter do it for you! Logistics, eh? Makes about as much sense as the phrase "military intelligence". Run into plenty of fucKKKtards like you....the guys in my unit complained so much about our ROTC Capt. that the Pentagon JAG office sent out a three star general and two FULL colonels to investigate soe very serious allegations by us...after spending five days with us they shipped HIS ass out to Vietnam..unfortunately he survived...but will burn in hell...look him up when you arrive there!
He was one of my favorites back in the day. I knew it was all a act and it made me laugh. But to pretend to be a Marine combat Veteran is disgusting. I never thought he was a vet anyways.
He had a autograph signing thing here and I took my sons to it back in the 80’s. He spoke very softly. Not at all like his character.
He had a autograph signing thing here and I took my sons to it back in the 80’s. He spoke very softly. Not at all like his character.
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