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Responses: 7
MSG Mark Million
Edited 8 y ago
Considering the trade deficit has been building for years, it's way to early to expect any noticeable effect from any of President Trump's policies. It is generally thought that these types of policies are often not appreciably affected for months if not years into a presidency. That being said, I believe that by giving companies in America more favorable terms to keep production in America or bring it back, we will be able to at least make some ground on the trade deficit. I will need to study more on what exactly is being done in this arena to comment further, but I believe having a businessman at the helm of this country will be good for business.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Talk about chutzpah, in three months you complain that he hasn't renegotiated new trade agreements? Get the Senate Democrats to confirm those few cabinet post's top level subordinates and dump Obama's cronies, and Wilbur Ross may be able to accommodate you. This will not happen in the short term, despite what is needed.
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MSgt James Mullis
It's way to early for a new President to have had a noticeable effect on the Trade Deficit. Import/Export is done months or years in advance. It literally takes between 2 weeks to a month for a Tanker to travel from China to the US (one way).
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