Responses: 4
Interesting plan, that depends on good educations, followed by doing away with idiotic yearly test, that waist education time, followed by encouraging young voters register to vote as they turn 18, this should be an education requirement. The plan begins in schools!
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Jack Durish - I have taught at both public and private, the issue is that it is not taught because too many administrators feel that students should prepare for the annual tests. The best students I ever had were Asian students, because their parents slapped them if they disrespected me, while American parents of non Asian challenged me. Exception for the daughter of a convict that knew me, he told her to shut up and behave.
thats a Plan I can support...
The constitution is what keeps this nation different and above all the rest...
The constitution is what keeps this nation different and above all the rest...
The Constitution has survived a lot and will be fine, or at least I hope so. Once we start to whittle away on it then that's a warning sign to cash out and find a safe harbor elsewhere, if such a thing will even exist. My Oath to it was for life and I will honor it. I don't care what political party is in power and Congress can play around with public law all they care to, but they need to leave our Constitution alone. It's not a "living document but is a document for living in freedom". Presidents come and go just the same as Congressmen and Judges but the Constitution is never in play. I have to question the motives of anyone that thinks it is because that's a threshold best left uncrossed. Once they start then there are no limits. I hear loose talk about an Amendment for this that or the other but never any serious debate. I hope that remains the case because I've got a lot of time invested into freedom and would like to at least be able to live out the rest of my days in a free America. If not then I'd at least want to go out on my feet and armed rather than on my knees.
CPT Jack Durish
The Constitution has been under attack since its inception. However, it has been greatly diminished in recent decades by progressive interpretations of its wording. Although written in plain language that any literate citizen could understand, it is now a Tower of Babel requiring teams of lawyers arguing over every syllable. We need to start reintroducing Americans to it and now
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