My uncle,.my Dad's sisters husband, was there when this happened, he personally, and actually helped send the surrender Telex from Gen Eisenhower to Gen Marshall about VE Day...amusingly, he also swiped a personal copy my cousins still have, that he and my aunt showed for decades at the Valley Stream Public Library on Long Island, every Meml.Day, 4th of July, and Veterans uncle was his unit comedian, the 3118th Signal Svc Battallion/Grp....Gen Eisenhower actually handed my uncle his diploma at Columbia Univ when he'd been the president there before being ekected, my uncle actually had the nerve, despite the side with the diplomas being personally aghast, to get the Gen to momentarily remember him from Southwick House at He SHAEF, as they'd frequently another, the Gen's personal trailer was right next to the commo trailer with the ND radio net and the teletype my uncle actually worked in next door, they'd frequently exchange salutes...the Gen evidently thought my uncle personally very funny, I'd always gathered, apparently...God, I love that story, I just figured I had to send that for the 75th anniv of D-Day, guys....