Posted on Jul 15, 2017
The soldier accused of ties with ISIS thinks the Moon landing was faked
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
(Shrug) We've got a few on Rallly Point as well. I've seen a couple posts on the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy here.
Oh, and happy Jade Helm Day.
Oh, and happy Jade Helm Day.
SPC Erich Guenther
Oh I have been on other non-military boards where I have run into folks that never before served who have some rather unique views on military service. I read an article the other day I think it was on Yahoo News that stated that more than 71% of the American Population was not eligible for military service.............then neglected to say why. I'll bet the majority of that percentage is obesity and if I am right with that guess the reporter should have mentioned what the cost implications are for a National Single Payer health system are with a stat like that one (our media sucks though).
CW4 Guy Butler
SPC Erich Guenther Pretty much - around 50% are obese. Here's the story:
SPC Erich Guenther
CW4 Guy Butler - That percentage and the discussion this country needs to have on physical fitness or staying within a reasonable weight range is entirely missing from the health care debate. Which is disappointing....almost nothing has been done in this area. True story: was asked to stop at the store and pick-up whole wheat hamburger buns because "they were more healthy". Compared labels before I bought and actually a producer of white buns had lower calories per bun and less of a fat %....surprise to me but that is how bad it has become in the local supermarket.
I would hope (i know hope is not a method) that the Army leadership examine their security clearance process. This individual could have done more damage in his ATC role.
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