The China Bubble - it's the largest in the history on the world! The real truth about the Chinese economy is starting to leak out. The Chinese have overstated their economic numbers for years. Some analysts have reported that they've overstated their GDP Growth by over 65%, cumulatively. They might be the second largest economy to the US, but they are even further behind the US than recent estimates place them.
Here's a money quote from the article: "The joke with Asian analysts on China is that we don't need to forecast the actual rate of Chinese growth, we have to forecast what the Chinese authorities will say the rate will be."
It's tough to understand what is actually going on in China economically- since their information is so tightly controlled by their leaders. Only the "official" GDP numbers are published- that is after the GDP numbers are requested from each area (surprisingly- each area of China meets or exceeds the requested GDP numbers; if they don't meet the # the leaders' careers will be in jeopardy). Do not trust these official GDP numbers, they are lies!!
No nation's economy/GDP goes up forever with no recessions or declines in GDP. It didn't happen in our best GDP numbers in the 20th Century & it does not happen today. Only in China!