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Responses: 17
CPT Jack Durish
I began blogging to promote my first novel by sharing the research on Cuba that never made it into the book (except as background material). When I had exhausted that I was at a loss for what to blog about until I hit upon the idea of writing about my time in Vietnam. I added my photos to the postings as well as some that I borrowed from other Vietnam Vets. It was a surprising cathartic exercise. Of late, other Vietnam Vets have been sending me photos and their stories to add to mine. I hope that it helps them as well
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish This is a great link and I enjoy the pictures - thanks
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Sgt David G Duchesneau
Thanks for the Post Colonel. I know for myself, I found a bunch of slides that I took while I was in Vietnam and I forgot that I had them. I was cleaning out my basement and I saw six boxes of slides and I had to locate a slide viewer and I was amazed that I still had them. Talk about bringing back memories? I always had photographs but I forgot about the slides. I'm now in the process of having these slides made into photos. I will Post a few when I get them back.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Sgt David G Duchesneau I completely your feelings, but value your service and sacrifice and that of so many others! I want to do whatever I can to lift up the great men and women that honored this country and the uniform prior to a lot of us - Hooorah!
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - Thanks Colonel! I'll just have to figure out how to add these new photos of Vietnam in one Post? There are over 70 of them so I will choose carefully which ones are appropriate for viewing.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Sgt David G Duchesneau I would post them in an update and tag those indivduals you want them to see (about 10 per update) - that way we can see them all. That is one way - another is to post them on a Facebook account in an album and provide a link to them. If you have a personal webiste for your books, add them there and provide a link to all of them as well. Hope those help you. I'm looking forward to seeing them!
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - Thanks for the advice Colonel! That's what I'll do! Thanks again!
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SP5 Mark Kuzinski
One word - Awesome!
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