Posted on Nov 14, 2016
'Tolerant' educators exile Trump voters from campus: Glenn Reynolds
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 14
Tolerance is for the enemy to capitulate. The left doesn't want dissension, they want compliance. The don't want individual thought, they want collective group think. They don't want debate, they want your silence. They are a bunch of SJW dictator fascists who oppose differing opinion. Just listen to the way they treat people who don't think like them. They were raised by group of people who value eugenics models and we are the "enfeeble" they want to sterilize to produce their master race of automatons who all think alike.
I think all Clinton voters should be given a "I Participated" trophy. Then they can shut up and go find a job.
SPC Jesse Bevil
Speaking of participation trophies, I got one of those once. I was very annoyed to find that my BN at Fort Irwin was handing out awards like Halloween candy. We had "payday activities" where I was selected as the "best dressed" in my Dress Blues. So they gave me an AAM for putting my uniform on right. This was particularly annoying because that is the same exact award I got for a deployment to Kuwait where I was actually making a difference. I believe the participation trophies have spread to the military. Sad day.
SSgt Terry P.
SPC Jesse Bevil - Awards for simply doing your job are a joke to me and make one that is earned mean nothing.
SPC Jesse Bevil
I couldn't agree more. Too many Soldiers running around with AAMs/ARCOMs without ever having set themselves apart from others by going above and beyond what is expected of them. Most of the time, never even taking initiative, only doing as they were told.
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