Posted on Sep 23, 2018
Top Democrat cites Kavanaugh's 'outcome-driven' legal philosophy as reason to deny him due...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Let me assure you that I believe Kavanaugh should be confirmed and Hawaii, like California, elects some very strange people. BUT (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) presumption of innocence is a criminal law principle. It has no application in the Senate process of advice and consent. That is pure political theater. Kavanaugh's only protection is in the unity and strength of the party that nominated him. Yes, he's screwed...
SGT J M Porters
You said it Capt Jack and the truth is his daughter will be forever changed by this. At no time has the left consider them. But remember that is why we put on the the pants and suck it up!
LTC David Brown
Unless the Republicans discover they have a pair and act accordingly. Every two weeks or so another women too drunk or crazy or what ever will come forward until Democrats regain control. Should have voted Monday.
Don’t be surprised, she immigrated to Hawaii in 1947 and has expressed her hate for her own father. I’m shocked that she is married to a male.
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