grassroots rebellion is growing against Carbon Taxes in Canada. This could bring down the Government of Liberal Prime-Minister Justin Trudeau. This will be a blow to Democrats as well. Exxon is pushing a $1 million Carbon Tax Campaign in the effort to have stability in the USA but look at Canada First!
Governor Brown, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Senator Dianne Feinstein and other Democrats Nationwide need to look and see what going on in Canada. Three provincial Governors are against the carbon tax. They already have some of the tax in place and people are complaining, people like me who are paying way more than they should be for trying to save the Earth, but it could be a potential pyrrhic victory for Trudeau. Canada is very similar to the US. The inner provinces are conservative and the outer provinces are extremely liberal some of them green liberal extreme zealots run the show like in British Columbia.
Alberta's Premier(Governor) is threatening to scrap the carbon tax since the Federal Government won't appeal the lower court injunction against expanding the existing pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia. The rationale is, if they can't make money by exporting oil, then forget paying for the carbon tax at all. I am sure the Greens in the USA and Canada are taking this badly and buying another box of depends. The trend is growing to fight the tax as being too expensive and uncompetitive. We don't see Carbon Taxes in China and India and they are one of the biggest polluters.