Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
CPT Jack Durish WOW--A factual narrative that actual explains the term "assault weapon" to anyone who cares to listen.
Wonder how this can be slanted?
Wonder how this can be slanted?
That's pretty much what I've been saying for years now.
"Assault weapon” --- Definition:
A fictitious category of firearm – invented for the purpose of deceiving members of the American Public who are not familiar with firearms.
The meaning and use of the word “assault” is intentionally twisted to cause confusion and aid in the deception.
The term is based on the valid firearm category “assault RIFLE”, which describes a selective fire (can be fired like a 'machine gun'), intermediate caliber rifle (in between pistol and high-power rifle ammunition) – resulting in a light-weight, low-recoil weapon, well-suited for short-range use when fired like a 'machine gun' at close range in the ASSAULT PHASE of a MILITARY attack, and which still has an effective and accurate range out to 300 meters, when fired one shot at a time. It is NOT a type of rifle that can be bought without a lot of Federal and state approvals, and a lot of time, investigation, and expense.
The “ASSAULT PHASE” of a military attack is closing in on the enemy, advancing on his position to drive him from that position, or kill him if he attempts to remain.
The word “assault” is re-utilized in the term “assault WEAPON” to suggest the common civilian concept of “assault” as meaning a violent, criminal attack committed against an innocent victim, as in the statement:
….......“Assault weapons-- their name describes their purpose!”
Clever --- fiendishly clever. Lots of semantic trickery at play.
The meaning of the word “assault” in the term “assault RIFLES” as a MILITARY term, a phase of a MILITARY attack, is psychologically re-directed toward the popular understanding of the word “assault” as a CRIMINAL attack against an innocent victim in the term “assault WEAPONS”, to confuse people by making them think such guns have only criminal use.
In addition to this twisting of the word “assault” to cause deception and fool the general public, the valid category of firearms --- “assault RIFLES” --- was simultaneously expanded to a new, and unashamedly false, more general category of “assault WEAPONS”.
This was done to rationalize including not just rifles, but shotguns, and even pistols, in the newly invented pseudo-category. This reflects the twist in the meaning of “assault”, from a phase of MILITARY ATTACK to criminal violence.
First they invent a new pseudo-category of firearm. They name that category in a way that suggests that the only use for such weapons, in civilian hands, is criminal “assault”.
Then, they include in that pseudo-category any firearm they can rationalize as somehow being too dangerous, or “unsuitable” for “civilians” (more properly CITIZENS) to own, claiming that such weapons “only belong on foreign battlefields”.
"Assault weapon” --- Definition:
A fictitious category of firearm – invented for the purpose of deceiving members of the American Public who are not familiar with firearms.
The meaning and use of the word “assault” is intentionally twisted to cause confusion and aid in the deception.
The term is based on the valid firearm category “assault RIFLE”, which describes a selective fire (can be fired like a 'machine gun'), intermediate caliber rifle (in between pistol and high-power rifle ammunition) – resulting in a light-weight, low-recoil weapon, well-suited for short-range use when fired like a 'machine gun' at close range in the ASSAULT PHASE of a MILITARY attack, and which still has an effective and accurate range out to 300 meters, when fired one shot at a time. It is NOT a type of rifle that can be bought without a lot of Federal and state approvals, and a lot of time, investigation, and expense.
The “ASSAULT PHASE” of a military attack is closing in on the enemy, advancing on his position to drive him from that position, or kill him if he attempts to remain.
The word “assault” is re-utilized in the term “assault WEAPON” to suggest the common civilian concept of “assault” as meaning a violent, criminal attack committed against an innocent victim, as in the statement:
….......“Assault weapons-- their name describes their purpose!”
Clever --- fiendishly clever. Lots of semantic trickery at play.
The meaning of the word “assault” in the term “assault RIFLES” as a MILITARY term, a phase of a MILITARY attack, is psychologically re-directed toward the popular understanding of the word “assault” as a CRIMINAL attack against an innocent victim in the term “assault WEAPONS”, to confuse people by making them think such guns have only criminal use.
In addition to this twisting of the word “assault” to cause deception and fool the general public, the valid category of firearms --- “assault RIFLES” --- was simultaneously expanded to a new, and unashamedly false, more general category of “assault WEAPONS”.
This was done to rationalize including not just rifles, but shotguns, and even pistols, in the newly invented pseudo-category. This reflects the twist in the meaning of “assault”, from a phase of MILITARY ATTACK to criminal violence.
First they invent a new pseudo-category of firearm. They name that category in a way that suggests that the only use for such weapons, in civilian hands, is criminal “assault”.
Then, they include in that pseudo-category any firearm they can rationalize as somehow being too dangerous, or “unsuitable” for “civilians” (more properly CITIZENS) to own, claiming that such weapons “only belong on foreign battlefields”.
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