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Responses: 6
CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
Previous ROEs handcuffed the force. We can still REALLY fight and protect the innocent and the environment. We've done it before and can do it again.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Remember the caliphate? We used to see it on the news every night. This massive swath of land covering larger parts of Iraq and Syria. They owned it and Obama was unable to address it or throw them out of it. We now know he could have, he simply shoes not to do it.

Mattis, with Trumps blessing, has worked with partners in the region to decimate the ISIS caliphate. We don't hear about it anymore. It is not a major concern in the region and all of our friends (and enemies) know it. There are those that will give him zero credit for it but we know how the caliphate blossomed under Obama and how it has been destroyed under Trump. The difference is resolve, leadership and execution.

There should be no doubt for any American being honest about this but some will still act like Obama was doing all he could. He was not. The question is why not?
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
7 y
Three main reasons in my view. One, he was a weakling, a coward, and he didn't make any momentous decisions until after it was focus-grouped a few times, because he always wanted to play it safe. Two, he was invested in the "Islam is a religion of peace" narrative, he abjectly refused to acknowledge Islamic terrorism as an actual thing. And three, he had no use for the military other than as a social engineering testbed -- he didn't understand the military, he doesn't understand the military, and he has no desire or inclination to understand the military.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
Hard to argue with any of that.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Less than a year in office. Now, back to Russian collusion.
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