Posted on Feb 14, 2018
Trump's proposed food assistance cuts will hit military families
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
About 1.13M enlisted personnel on active duty. Why is it that 23,000 are on this type welfare?
SCPO Jason McLaughlin
Because depending on the family size, state, and rank, there are 23,000 (probably junior enlisted) that do not meet the Federal Poverty Level. Personal choices not withstanding....
MCPO Roger Collins
You missed my point, of the many junior enlisted, why are there only 23,000 in dire straits. Perhaps, that’s the question. Once answered, solutions can be had. Never in my life military or civilian did I ever ask for assistance. Your last statement is what I am focusing on. If you can’t manage your personal affairs, it becomes a command problem. That statement comes from past experience with people with these types of issues.
CMSgt (Join to see)
BAH is factored into the equation. Low cost of living area where BAH is less could make military families eligible. Ironically, It's the military families that live in high cost of living areas, that probably need it more.
Can military members receive food stamps or other types of federal food assistance? Here are the details.
MCPO Roger Collins
I can’t speak for other communities, but during the school year, our little podunk provides free breakfast for all students, reduced or free lunches depending on income.
MCPO Roger Collins
I read one anecdote where two Marines were married with three kids were having problems making ends meet and were getting out. Explain that one, considering what two individuals with four years in can be on the dole.
Yes I am a Trump supporter, so Liberals feel free to stop reading and just post your assumptions below.
I am for this plan, though I don't think it goes far enough.
lets begin with I can see two types of military members on this program, the first is the E1 to E3 Who joined with a family already started, or who went and got a dependa straight out of Boot who refuses to work or "cant" work. The other is the Higher ranking members who have decided to try and repopulate the world and cant afford the Half Dozen or more kids. Both groups need some counseling on sound medical and financial decision making pyridines. We have soo many support programs for our members that I don't se why they would need this, unless they really suck at prioritizing their finances.
In the Civilian world... I despise the EBT cards on a moral level. Oh I get it they wanted people on welfare to not feel stigmatized for using them. They worried about their feelings and emotional needs... But here is the thing you have now taken away one of the reasons to STOP using them. Welfare was meant as a helping hand up when desperate families needed it. I remember the script as a kid and my stepmother using it. Even as a child I felt embarrassed by it, she had 5 kids from 3 different guys and had my father not gotten snipped I'm sure she would have had more. She couldn't afford them before he came along and stopped working once they got married. I grew up to despise the welfare program and have always done any job I could to stay off of it and survive. People stop having kids you cant afford....
Fundamentally Trumps Idea is perfect stop letting people on Welfare buy processed pre packaged pre made food. Give those that need it the basic raw staples bought at a discount in bulk and shipped directly to them. They don't get an EBT card, and they don't have to go out in public to use it or script. So no hurt feelings. The Box would contain the necessity's to MAKE food. (A concept many lack now days) People will learn to do something for themselves again, or get inspired to go find a job in this Job growth market.
Where his Plan lacks is get rid of the "Obama" phones, and the free internet and all the other perks that are not required to survive. Maybe I'm cold hearted but if you cant afford food, why should you have internet? You shouldn't have a computer or Game console if you cant afford to eat or feed your kids. Priority's people priority's.
I am for this plan, though I don't think it goes far enough.
lets begin with I can see two types of military members on this program, the first is the E1 to E3 Who joined with a family already started, or who went and got a dependa straight out of Boot who refuses to work or "cant" work. The other is the Higher ranking members who have decided to try and repopulate the world and cant afford the Half Dozen or more kids. Both groups need some counseling on sound medical and financial decision making pyridines. We have soo many support programs for our members that I don't se why they would need this, unless they really suck at prioritizing their finances.
In the Civilian world... I despise the EBT cards on a moral level. Oh I get it they wanted people on welfare to not feel stigmatized for using them. They worried about their feelings and emotional needs... But here is the thing you have now taken away one of the reasons to STOP using them. Welfare was meant as a helping hand up when desperate families needed it. I remember the script as a kid and my stepmother using it. Even as a child I felt embarrassed by it, she had 5 kids from 3 different guys and had my father not gotten snipped I'm sure she would have had more. She couldn't afford them before he came along and stopped working once they got married. I grew up to despise the welfare program and have always done any job I could to stay off of it and survive. People stop having kids you cant afford....
Fundamentally Trumps Idea is perfect stop letting people on Welfare buy processed pre packaged pre made food. Give those that need it the basic raw staples bought at a discount in bulk and shipped directly to them. They don't get an EBT card, and they don't have to go out in public to use it or script. So no hurt feelings. The Box would contain the necessity's to MAKE food. (A concept many lack now days) People will learn to do something for themselves again, or get inspired to go find a job in this Job growth market.
Where his Plan lacks is get rid of the "Obama" phones, and the free internet and all the other perks that are not required to survive. Maybe I'm cold hearted but if you cant afford food, why should you have internet? You shouldn't have a computer or Game console if you cant afford to eat or feed your kids. Priority's people priority's.
SCPO Jason McLaughlin
I can't imagine the logistical nightmare that the President's plan would become. They would have to make special boxes for every dietary restriction/allergy (peanut, gluten, etc.), diabetics, heart disease, etc. You would have to have separate packing plants.
CPO (Join to see)
SCPO Jason McLaughlin - Ok first off for all of recorded history people have eaten Gluten and not had an issue. This Gluten allergy is a fad health crazy and was made up by people who charge you 20 bucks for a gluten free loaf of bread. In fact the only issue with Gluten is if you have Celiac disease. Everyone else is a Lier.
Sure on the Peanut thing except I don't remember peanuts being in the normal Milk, Flour, Eggs, staples. As for other allergies and Diabetics being forced to not buy pre processed sugar filled, dye filled, preservative filled food would be health.
Sure on the Peanut thing except I don't remember peanuts being in the normal Milk, Flour, Eggs, staples. As for other allergies and Diabetics being forced to not buy pre processed sugar filled, dye filled, preservative filled food would be health.
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