Posted on Jun 1, 2018
Trump: Why isn't Samantha Bee fired for 'horrible language'?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Don't understand it. Roseanne was wrong for what she said and ABC fired her and cancelled the show. I agreed with that move. What I don't understand in Hollywood is that what is good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander. Apply it equally or don't apply it at all. IMHO.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Well... one is a broadcast network and the other cable. However… those lines are blessed these days.
Dwayne, Roseanne should have been gone, what in the hell was she thinking? This Bee skank needs to be dealt with. If I was Ivankas husband I would simply make a news announcement and say, "Bee that was uncalled for, I don't know you but you don't ever speaking about my wife that way comes at a price. So understand the remarks you made are going to cost you, go to the news, go public places, hide, it does not matter I am coming for you and it will be very expensive and painful. Take it how you want to.
Say nothing else don't speak anymore and let the news go to town. The negative is I am sure that is some kind of assault charge. So maybe, maybe not. Or maybe I would just show up at her house and give her the bat. Beat her so bad she can move, she make very little noise, and it is permanent. Just saying, the bat.
Say nothing else don't speak anymore and let the news go to town. The negative is I am sure that is some kind of assault charge. So maybe, maybe not. Or maybe I would just show up at her house and give her the bat. Beat her so bad she can move, she make very little noise, and it is permanent. Just saying, the bat.
The View is very bad too, yet they are still on the air. Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal said on Facebook “I hope Trump is assassinated!”. And not a damn thing happened to her. Yet, if someone said that against Obama, they would be labeled a racists by the media and arrested for threatening the him. The hypocrisy of all this is pathetic. It boils down to, if you are on the right you have no rights and your terminated on the spot. If you are on the left, you can say whatever you want and nobody holds you accountable for your actions. People, regardless of right/left or whatever, should be held equally responsible for their actions.
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