A veteran-produced documentary offering a behind-the-scenes look at the soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray in time for Veterans Day.
“The Unknowns” aims to give viewers a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Tomb Guard, one of the members of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, or “The Old Guard,” who serve at Arlington. It was released in theaters on Memorial Day through Gathr, which screens movies depending on how many people buy tickets.
Ethan Morse, the documentary’s producer who guarded the tomb from 2005-06, said there were 45 screenings over the summer that brought in $56,000.
The DVD or Blu-Ray versions can be ordered online at the film's website and will be available online through Walmart, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble. Digital download will also be available starting on Veterans Day. The film will be available through iTunes, Amazon Prime and Google Play by the end of the year.
Morse said Arlington National Cemetery has agreed to stock copies in its gift shop.
“We’re really honored about that,” he said. “As a soldier, [the gift shop] is where I used to go to hang out before I went to the tomb.”
The DVD and Blu-Ray feature commentary from Morse and director Neal Schrodetzki (another Army veteran who served at the Tomb of the Unknowns), bonus interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and deleted scenes.
Through a partnership with the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, anyone who orders a copy of the movie from the website can use the promotional code "TAPS" to receive 5 percent off their purchase. Five percent of the sale will then be donated to TAPS.
Passengers on most Delta Airlines flights also will have the chance to watch the documentary, where it will be part of the in-flight entertainment package through July, Morse said.
“Delta is based in Atlanta, and they always have a lot of military flying through there to Fort Benning,” he said.