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Responses: 6
CW5 Jack Cardwell
"The Pentagon is expected to only deploy anti-personnel mines if they are fitted with a feature that allow them to automatically self-destruct or deactivate after 30 days, CNN said."
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
One of the trick questions in Engineering is how do you mark a friendly minefield? There are no friendly minefields once they are laid.
OTOH, it's nice to be able to use these inanimate watchdogs if you are inside a perimeter. The US started using self destructing mines on air deployed minefields decades ago, something that our Soviet supplied counterparts omitted. I don't have any problem with the use of self destructing mines when used properly.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 5 y ago
Landmines are a very useful and inexpensive way to build defenses around a position. They definitely have a place in warfare. The problem everyone gets exercised about is the factions and governments that sow mines all over the place, don't mark them, and leave them emplaced long after the conflict is over. That leaves them to harm unwitting civilians.
I am all for self-destructing mines for hasty minefields like volcano-launched or air-deployed systems. But there is a place for deliberate defensive systems with canalizing and area denial features. The Korean peninsula is an obvious one. We can clear those whenever the DPRK figures out how to be a normal nation.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Sounds like a catastrope but it isn't. Even the military times puts out headlines to sell papers. The landmines need to self destruct or deactivate after 30 days
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
The reality is that the mine problem in the world is not a US instigated problem. We have been very good at marking and recording the locations of our minefields in the past and removing them once they went not needed. The problem is the lack of humanitarian concern from all of the various revolutionary groups and counter revolutionary groups, and in a more than a few cases, official government troops that plastered millions of acres with anti personnel and anti vehicle mines with little or no control. In our system, a follow on Engineer or EOD unit should have been able to take our coordinates and clear a minefield in relative safety (dealing with stuff that blows up is never safe). If your in Africa, removing mines means sweeping every inch of an area and hoping your machine detects the nonmetallic ones that were meant to fool the detectors.
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