Posted on Jul 10, 2017
Victor Davis Hanson: Will California Ever Thrive Again?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
moonbeam may be the democratic nominee, that doesn't mean he will win the election for president. Let's hope not.
The article presented no supported facts while making some asinine claim that California is in some despair that it is not in, the population at the poverty line is no where near 25%, looks like he just made that up,the south has more state with higher taxes than California( it has the 8th highest), Florida, Nevada and Texas are less than 7% away from them for non native born persons, California's population has increased by 5% over the last 7 years, this is all info that can be found if the author would have left his right wing bubble and looked for facts
SPC Thomas Anderson

What is considered poverty level in California?
The federal poverty level, which sets the same income threshold according to household size for the entire continental United States, is $23,850 in 2014 for a household of four. By this definition,...
SGT (Join to see)
The article says a "quarter" are below at or below poverty which is wrong by 10-12 points
I doubt it. The mostly liberal state senate has an absolute choke-hold on California. One look in any phone book while tell you how bloated California's state bureaucracy has become. Did you know there is an office of telephone amplification? This unnecessary program is completely redundant. Phones like this are provided by insurance, including Obamacare. This program is free to anyone with a note. There is no financial requirement. You can be a millionaire and get a free phone. This is just one example of California's government overreach and waste. Did you know there is an office of "landing helicopters at schools" This office has many staff members who cover applications from helicopters companies, who want to land an aircraft at a school for career day, stay off of drugs day, etc. The application process is so lengthy and time consuming, such as 90 days advanced notice, site surveys by non-pilots, etc. that it's essentially impossible to accomplish a landing at any school, which is probably the point. So, the kids don't get to see a helicopter up close. More government overreach and unnecessary spending. I could go on.
California Phones - Keeping you connected
California Phones provides free specialized phones for persons having difficulty using a standard telephone. The Program, also known as the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program and the California Telephone Access Program (CTAP), is a State mandated program administered by the California Public Utilities Commission.
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