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Responses: 4
SFC Michael Hasbun
Who is the enemy? Anyone who threatens the welfare of our tribe/ nation, just as it's always been since our caveman days.

Who are we fighting for? Ostensibly to defend our tribe/country/family from external threat. Realistically, we are fighting for whoever has enough funding to get the politicians to obey..
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MSgt Manuel Diaz
You are pretty smart for a U.S.Marine ( just kidding) have you looked up ( 1993 United nations agenda 21) that introduced the new world order
Just remember it's not a race war, but what they want you to think it is, so less Americans can defend the U.S.constitution and our republic for which it stands.
LCpl Tom Goudey
LCpl Tom Goudey
10 y
Thank you for the compliment, it is easy to ignore the facts. We (the Military) all love this country that we have devoted our lives to defend. I absolutely know about agenda 21 but most of our Military don't want believe that your "government" would do such a thing. They wave the colors and say "not in this country" but meanwhile they never evaluate and think for themselves, they believe what the "government" tells them, hook line and sinker. Forget what you think you know and look outside the box then ask yourself "is this what we are fighting for?".
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CW5 Desk Officer
LCpl Tom Goudey, they lost me with the line that "the reasonable assumption is the United States was conquered by Islam in 2001." Wow, reasonable? Really? That should set off alarm bells. That and the "inside job" reference to 9/11. I think this is a scare mongering video. The sky is falling, etc.

There's a separate RallyPoint discussion about the Sharia law dust up in Texas. I don't like that either. I see it as a possible first step towards something we don't want in our country. But others see it as part of Islam and Muslims being assimilated into the USA, and our country was built on assimilation -- the great melting pot -- so we need to have some tolerance for all folks who want to be here legally and contribute to our society in a peaceful manner (in my opinion).

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