Posted on May 22, 2019
Why Marvel is Cutting Captain Marvel Out of The Franchise After Avengers: Endgame
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
he does make several good points, there have been things that she has said that might as well be summed up as abrasive at best. CPT Marvel as a character is also not a well known, but, that hasn't stopped unknown marvel characters from becoming wildly popular (Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther). I believe that likability is extremely important. And Brie Larson's CPT Marvel (and herself) is anything, but, likable. She just comes across as flat and arrogant, which is what I thought of the character Thor when he first came out and over time has become one of my favorite characters. But, Chris Hemsworth comes across as some guy I'd go get a beer with. Brie Larson isn't someone I wouldn't trust within 10 meters of a school, but, I wouldn't want to be around her, she just seems like a downer.
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