Posted on Apr 25, 2019
Why Obama and Clinton Tweeted About 'Easter Worshippers,' Not Christians
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
The far left has been waging war on Christians for years and they do not want to upset that part of their base. Plus if you recall Obama has done everything possible to shield Muslims. His administration would never call a terrorist a muslim terrorist even if that was what they were. The jihadist have been killing Christians in 3rd world countries by the hundreds but you will see very little outrage over this mass murder by the U.N. or most of the left in this country.
SGT James Murphy
MSG Stan Hutchison - It's not Bull MSG Hutchison. Either you are Ill Informed or "part of the problem".
Cpl Mark A. Morris
The far left wages war on anything ordained by G-d. Christians are just something in the way of the State being a god.
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