Nothing is declassified until it seems to have more or less become common knowledge.
So . . . this is what transpires when corporate enterprise manages government and A.I. profiling advises government on how to manages the population.
"The internet" probably would not have been loosed on the public until a plan was in place to collect and process big data, imho. It immediately became the domain of data mining advertisers i.e. sellers of data, as soon as browsers were available. I suppose platforms like Prodigy and AOL which showed up first (with their supporting sponsors/advertisers), became general public field testing for data gathering and processing,prior to browsers making internet access easy for everyone.
And now everyone is attached to a cell phone. These are not yet embedded in bodies, but that and more, is apparently the direction in which the transhumanists want to go. These things can so quickly move from "acceptance for health reasons" to the dire straits of "God preserve us!"
The article is long and interesting . . .
from the article:
"Numerous government agencies, including the FBI, Department of Defense, National Security Agency, Treasury Department, Defense Intelligence Agency, Navy and Coast Guard, have purchased vast amounts of U.S. citizens’ personal information from commercial data brokers. The revelation was published in a partially declassified, internal Office of the Director of National Intelligence report released on June 9, 2023.
The report shows the breathtaking scale and invasive nature of the consumer data market and how that market directly enables wholesale surveillance of people.
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The rich depths of commercially available information, analyzed with powerful AI, provide unprecedented power, intelligence and investigative insights. The information is a cost-effective way to surveil virtually everyone, plus it provides far more sophisticated data than traditional electronic surveillance tools or methods like wiretapping and location tracking."
[. . .]