"Stupid is as stupid does."; F. Gump
PS - How fast do you have to be going to drive 100 ft. out into the water?
PPS - The lawyers are lining up to see if they can get this person to hire them so that they can sue the GPS company ("but for" the GPS she wouldn't have ended up where she did), the car company "but for" the car she wouldn't have been driving and wouldn't have needed to use the GPS so she wouldn't have ended up where she did), the gasoline company ("but for" the gasoline she wouldn't have been able to drive the car so she wouldn't have been driving and wouldn't have needed to use the GPS so she wouldn't have ended up where she did), the municipality ("but for" the Municipality there wouldn't have been any road so she wouldn't have been able to use the gasoline and she wouldn't have been able to drive the car so she wouldn't have been driving and wouldn't have needed to use the GPS so she wouldn't have ended up where she did), and God ("but for" God there wouldn't have been any water there and so none of this would have happened at all and she wouldn't have suffered severe embarrassment leading to ...