, Connections, and Friends check out this great PodCast with Dr.
Shauna Springer, a great friend and supporter of Victory for Veterans, Inc. and the "Warriors for Life" Virtual Group Support program joins the crew at Vet Pivot... It's a 1 hour and 5 minute presentation, but well worth the listen...
Dr. Springer:
"Have you ever seen a veteran and his or her therapy provider talk publicly - in real time - about their therapy relationship? That's what "Dynamite" Dave - the co-host of Matt Kuchera's Vet Pivot Podcast asked me to do with him, so we did.
Part of erasing stigma is putting on display what "right" looks like - that addressing the challenges in our lives HEAD ON with the support of a trusted healer - is a smart, brave action course of action. When you compare this to avoiding problems, it's the harder path. Taking things head on as Dave did is the Warrior way.
Lead host Matt Kuchera shares a string of insights during this really fun conversation about my personal background, my new book WARRIOR: How to Support Those Who Protect Us, some psychological analysis of the TV Show "The Bachelor" and the conversation Dynamite and I had about our therapy relationship many years ago on this first episode to kick off Season 2 of the Vet Pivot podcast."