Posted on Jul 13, 2022
SPC Infantryman
I have been In 4 years and head out to reclass school in October. Coming from a combat mos I’m wondering what it’s like day to day, and how you were treated coming in to a new unit and new job. I am going to be stationed at fort bliss
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Responses: 5
SSgt CASS Test Station IMA Advanced Maintenance Technician, IMA
Not specific MOS advise but keep in mind while you may be a specialist when you get to your first unit that the PFC that has been there for 1 1/2-2 years knows maintenance better than you do be willing to learn from everyone and be willing to learn quickly. But with rank does come privilege so don't be afraid to assert yourself when you do know what you are talking about.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
While I did not transition I have been involved with Soldiers who did transfer. 15T is a huge transition, Soldiering is Soldering. Being a crew chief or support will keep you very busy in all environments. Sustaining and maintaining aircraft is a very important role. Ensuring that a bird is flight ready is vital to any mission. Your day to day will be ensuring that they go up, comllete mission, and return home safely. In garrison you have the same details and requirments as you do today. Weapons and motor pool vehicle maintenance. The training schedule will look much the same outside of you MOS. You will do well, keep on Soldiering.
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SPC Member
Not MOS specific but transfer advice. I have two prior 11B who have switched to my MOS, 27D.

One is a Specialist and the other a Sergeant, even the SGT takes advice from me. Granted I am the "Senior" Specialist and I've been doing this for several years, both recognized this and utilized me to learn. However on the flip side, I recognized that both of them have years of experience in other areas, so there is a level of respect that we both have for people who have been doing their respective tasks for awhile.

So as you transition just remember that there's going to be PFC's and SPC's with less time in service than you but who can 15T better than you just because of experience, learn from that experience. That's something to take with you everywhere, rank isn't always the be all for knowledge.

Additionally as an 11B, be prepared to answer questions from lower enlisted, NCO's, and officers. Just like you have little to no experience in 15T, others will be curious about the day to day of an 11B. Besides the Grunt and POG jokes we all make of course.
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