Posted on Sep 12, 2018
MAJ(P) Executive Officer
I'm pretty close to being topped out both in terms of rank and potential leadership positions in the National Guard. While I enjoy being a provider, I found my time in command the most rewarding and that I really enjoy planning and operations. I wouldn't mind command again or medical operations. I have a little operations experience at the Brigade level but there few opportunities to advance either in that realm or in terms of rank or command possibilities in the in my state. I know most of the rank structure and units for AMEDD officers is in the reserves. If I transferred to the reserves would I be used strictly as a provider or have the opportunity for further leadership roles? What kind of units could I serve in? I've also heard Reserve units sometimes take care of Soldiers as well as the Guard. Just trying to make a 5-year plan.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 6
LTC Special Operations Response Team (Sort)
MAJ Brown, I have had a similar experience in the National Guard and I am wondering “is there life after 0-4 for a PA in the NGB”. There are few to no slots anywhere but the MED DET, probably fewer than 10 PA MAJ slots and no AGR PA positions. I also wonder if the only alternative is to transfer to the Reserves.
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MSG Operations Nco
Ma’am, the best thing for you to do would be to contact an Army Reserve Career Counselor or one of the Army Reserve Careers Division Batallions. If you tell me the state you are in I get you the contact information you need.
MAJ(P) Executive Officer
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm in Colorado but closer to Utah than Denver
MSG Operations Nco
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Ma’am I think I sent you a message with contact information.
MAJ(P) Executive Officer
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
thanks I got it
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COL State Surgeon Illinois Army National Guard
MAJ Brown, What medical assets do you have in your state? Do you have MTOE and TDA units? MMB's have BN Command opportunities for 65D. Have you had an MCAS command? Some medical TDA units in the Army National Guard (depending on the state) will have command slots for
65D (0-6). I would recommend looking at all of your options as any organization Guard or Reserve does not want to lose dedicated Officers, NCO or Enlisted.
MAJ(P) Executive Officer
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir- I was recently the Commander of an ASMC. We have a MEDCOM but no other Medical specific units in the state. I love the Guard, but my state just doesn't have many opportunities for providers once you reach Major. I could go to MEDCOM at some point as a provider or perhaps in a staff capacity, but I did that for seven years and would prefer to be in a tactical unit rather than a TDA. There are no MMB's in my state or the surrounding states, limiting in broadening assignments outside of being a provider. I'm lucky because my command has slotted me in operations so I'm getting a little more operational experience, but I am unsure where I will go next. Options are MEDCOM (in what capacity I'm not sure) a Brigade as a Brigade PA or Aviation as an APA. Not bad options just curious what else there is out there.
COL State Surgeon Illinois Army National Guard
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Feel free to contact me via private message for my email and or contact number.
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