Jeb Bush Q&A


How would you appeal to folks who typically follow a different party?
I'd like to restore some degree of civility to Washington. I don't assume that people that disagree with me have bad motives. Presidents need to lead by changing the culture.


How do you avoid more war?
No soldier should go into a fight without a clear understanding of what he is supposed to accomplish. Elected leaders have a moral obligation to lay out a strategy and an exit plan. And every American who is there in harm’s way should have the best training, equipment, and leadership bar none – so that they can do their job and come home to us safely.
How would you fix the VA?
I think we need to go a step further. Giving veterans a roof over their head is an important first step. But you all know better than anyone, when you hang up the uniform, you leave behind much more than a job. You leave a military family, friends, a tremendous sense of purpose, and robust support network.
We need to give veterans opportunities to grow and succeed. I think we need to shift how we engage communities, non-profits, and businesses. In Houston, for example, this community practically eliminated veterans' homelessness. They created a “Houston” strategy that wasn’t a top down driven solution, but used all elements of the community to fight the problem. I’m also really impressed with nonprofits like Team Rubicon, which hires veterans to do disaster relief. They’re not just getting a job, they’re getting a mission and a purpose.
As for VA employees negligent in the care of veterans, they should be fired. If they commit a felony or break the law, they should be held accountable and face charges. Only 3 people have been fired at the VA in the wake of the 2014 VA scandal and I think that is outrageous.
Are you willing to allow those who broke our immigration laws to benefit from breaking them?
For the 12 million that are here illegally, it is not practical to deport all of them. it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. I believe we should allow people a provisional work permit, where they pay a fine, learn english, don't commit crimes, don't receive federal government assistance and over an extended period of time, they can earn legal status not citizenship.
Do you agree with the current trend of reducing the armed forces?
Hell no I don't! My goal is to restore the military and create a strategy that the military is supposed to meet. This is about security for Americans.
How does a leader truly work across the aisle?
Presidential leadership is needed to forge consensus to solve problems. It is not a violation of principle to attempt to find common ground. President Reagan is a good model here as are other Presidents. If you start with the premise that people who have a different view aren't badly motivated, you can build up the trust necessary in problem solving. There is so much that is broken in DC and I will fight to change the culture.
How do we change the perception of military members in the U.S.?
I agree with you on the sad state of veteran health care. See my answer above on fixing a broken VA. But I’m a little more optimistic about how our military and veterans are treated overall in this country. If you visit places like Great Britain, they marvel at how our troops are revered and honored here. It wasn’t always that way. Many Rally Point members remember the Vietnam era, where troops were treated shamefully. One of the great strengths of this country is that citizens love and respect our military – rather than fear it.
How do we improve the quality of education in America?
Education is predominately a state driven issue. As Governor, I disrupted the system and Florida saw the greatest gains in learning of any state. School choice, both public and private; real accountability (in Florida we grade schools A thru F), ending social promotion in third grade; higher standards and teacher effectiveness measures were part of a comprehensive strategy. As President, I would propose shifting power and money back to the states that focus on the reforms that will yield rising student achievement.
How would you, as Commander In Chief, assure that all religions are accepted?
Education is predominately a state driven issue. As Governor, I disrupted the system and Florida saw the greatest gains in learning of any state. School choice, both public and private; real accountability (in Florida we grade schools A thru F), ending social promotion in third grade; higher standards and teacher effectiveness measures were part of a comprehensive strategy. As President, I would propose shifting power and money back to the states that focus on the reforms that will yield rising student achievement..
What’s the most important reform you would institute if elected?
The Constitution assumes a self-governing people. The founders never envisioned the size and scope of the government we have today. We should shift power back to our communities and our states. When it comes to the 10th Amendment, I'm all in. That said, the one area where the federal government plays a critical role is providing for the common defense.
Why do we need a third Bush as President?
Proud of my father and brother. In Florida, they know me as Jeb. I'm running on my own record of reform.