Posted on Feb 18, 2021
CPT Dahn Shaulis

I am working on a Best Practices for Colleges that Serve Veterans and would appreciate feedback from the Rally Point community. If you know of any specific examples of schools that are getting it right, please let me know.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 5
CWO3 Us Marine
Discourage meaningless degrees. Persuade students to pursue a discipline that actually leads to a career. Job placement should be the goal, and focus, not enrollment. Unless it leads to a productive career, it's just another student to boost enrollment data. Many would be better served through tech training and the trades, but colleges don't want to hear that. A skilled tech or craftsman can earn as much as one with a post-graduate degree in many cases. GI Bill or other VA benefits apply.
CPT Dahn Shaulis
CPT Dahn Shaulis
>1 y
CWO3 (Join to see) Those are some good points. Gainful employment is key. And I mentioned them in a Military Times article. Could you elaborate?
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SPC Mario Vazquez
Hello Cpt. Shaulis, please check out the website below. Community support within the college is the best strategy to help veterans acclimate to school and be successful during and after their college years.
CPT Dahn Shaulis
CPT Dahn Shaulis
>1 y
SPC Mario Vazquez Informative website. Looks like the BC Veterans Facebook is also up to date. And the free professional head shots ("Portraits for Patriots") is a great idea. Maybe I ought to have a separate chapter just on best practices for websites and social media.
SPC Mario Vazquez
SPC Mario Vazquez
>1 y
We are living in a digital age and veterans need access to information quickly and network with the right people. The Student Veterans of America is also a great channel to navigate to expose veterans to networking opportunities.
CPT Dahn Shaulis
CPT Dahn Shaulis
>1 y
SPC Mario Vazquez - Can they help a servicemember or veteran before they enroll?
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LTC Jason Mackay
Community Colleges are really there to produce more skilled members of the work force, especially in CTE programs. The best thing that could happen is to develop partnerships with gaining industry partners to ensure grads get solid and viable follow on employment with an eye to provide the right development, experiences, and opportunities for that grad to become that competent journeyman.

Industry partners need to be consistent in informing those CTE feeder programs what the industry is wanting (and it can't be a journeyman with 3-5 years of experience) through the Advisory Board functions required by most states. Seeing some trends that industry is looking for journeymen only because they do not want to "train" or their bench is too light to train and mentor apprentices. It sidelines recent grads into less than optimal positions with little growth. Really sets students to think "why bother?".
CPT Dahn Shaulis
CPT Dahn Shaulis
>1 y
LTC Jason Mackay do you see this happening anywhere, where what you are talking about is working?
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
CPT Dahn Shaulis I am in the process of trying make this work. Our regional advisory group is just getting off the ground.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
CPT Dahn Shaulis it’s not just the CC program, it has to be industry partners who ante up.
CPT Dahn Shaulis
CPT Dahn Shaulis
>1 y
LTC Jason Mackay - I'd like to know more about your efforts and any resources you might have to get your project off the ground.
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