Posted on Oct 9, 2014
MSgt George Sidler
Remove the Excuse… Stop the Protection

Having grown up and lived through the turbulent Sixties, the (far too many) assassinations, the confrontations between young and old, black and white, Muslims and Christians, so-forth and so-on, I am (a bit less than) quickly coming to the opinion that there are far more conflicts and unrest then there are resolutions around the world; BUT, more specifically, this is most apparent –and most disturbing (to me) in my own country.

Firstly, I blame the media for stirring the many “pots” of discontent; in fanning the flames as it were, daily, for headlines and ratings. Few are the genuine “journalists” that remain true to their profession of reporting unbiased, untarnished happenings across the globe. Enter the day’s media outlets: print, broadcast, and online…

Columbia University professor Michael Janeway states that journalism today is tilted toward "infotainment," and that probing and insightful information is being compromised. I couldn’t agree more.

Take the race issues (presently) ongoing in this country, and the main thrust for the generation of this opinion… I find myself appalled in the way these “journalists” present the events, packaged nicely with all the speculations and aggravated insinuations to generate even more news. I should mention here that in the mornings, I find myself watching CNN for a left-leaning presentation and postulation of the day’s issues. In the evenings, I veer right in tuning-in Fox broadcast news channels. Meantime, I make casual observations of both our (local) conservative newsprint, with similar review of the NY Times over the weekends, and I find it extremely discouraging, albeit interesting, that each have an agenda versus a simple static platform of reporting the observable facts… alone.

OK, back to the race issues confronting us…
Firing up the base, and in this case means the black suppression, only tends to further the challenges (while pumping-up ratings) when broadcasts decry an outcome before the facts are presented. Rolling before the screens are the multitude of families, in tears, that their loved one was a good child, with pictures taken during their teenage years. Or an immediate broadcast of every negative incident of a police officer’s history; mind, these law enforcement officers have to confront bad guys each and every day of their work day, which suggests that not everyone confronted is going to be “happy” with their handling/processing.

My suggestion, therefore, is drastic, yet somewhat over-simplified…
Remove law enforcement from any area that continues to raise race issues. Basically, I would not consider it too drastic an action if law enforcement simply got up and quit any area that consistently began to raise issues about every action their police departments engaged in. Call it the law of the “Old West.” I believe it would be an action where the (vast) majority (of an area’s residents) would quickly realize the folly of their ways when 9-1-1 calls only administered-to fire and EMS-type response. Almost overnight you would see communities come to their knees… begging to have law enforcement back in-place.

In short, I do recognize that we have a problem of race discrimination in this country; however, I also believe that it is nowhere near the level of descent that the newscasts make it out to be; that EVERY action by a cop against a black assailant/victim is always bent away from the police officer and always more supportive of the poor, underprivileged (revenue-generating) black “child.” Blacks in this country, especially since the Sixties, have gone the distance… they (yes, our country’s black population) have gained entry into every single corner of the “establishment;” from law enforcement, to medical; from business, to social; from first-responder, to President. I believe that we need to (continue to) educate our society of the need for equal consideration and representation –based on EARNED qualifications. It doesn’t matter what the color… if you’re a good person, with good ideals and intent, you need to be permitted a place at the proverbial “table.” If you’re nefarious in either your actions or intent, you too need to be classified amongst your own peers, and subsequently opened-up to either a way “out,” or a closed future.

And so, I defer to my opening reality… Remove the Excuse! I’d love to add-on here… “Remove the Media;” however, because we are a free society, we are obliged to keep the spin-doctors in-place.
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