Posted on Feb 5, 2014
SFC Section Ncoic
I do work directly with them and only them.  The only other "green suitor" in my section is a Sergeant Major, whom is the Deputy Director of the section (DOET or glorified S-6) and also my first line supervisor.  When I first started the position, I was the only military member of the section and found it extremely difficult to develop a good working rapport with them.  I believe some of it was me ,and how my previous duty assignment impacted the style of work and communications I tried to employ with them.  I also believe that their "laid back" mentalities and lack of solid work ethics had an impact as well.  These issues obviously created a great deal of tension in the room, almost to a point of fist-a-cuffs. The tension has since died down and we are mostly at an understanding with each other now, even more so with the arrival of the above mentioned SGM.  Still I cannot help but always feel as if there will always be sort of a rift between myself and them.
Posted in these groups: Security contractors ContractorsImages %281%29 GS Civilians
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 4
SFC Aircraft Components Repair Supervisor

I work in training development for the Aviation school house and you can't throw a rock without hitting a civilian.  I have never had an issue with them because they have been in the business so long and they have a lot of knowledge to share. 


A lot of them are retired military so their work ethic has not been deemed poor in my opinion. We have that one or two that will complain about doing things and claim that we are setting goals that are too ambitious - you can definitely see the difference of the personality by what rank they attained prior to retiring.


All in all, I respect them and am proud of what we accomplish as a team.


I also think that it is good to keep them around to provide continuity in a duty such as this because we only serve 3 years at a time here... 

SFC Section Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Great insight SFC Dees...  I can definitely understand the continuity thing as we are all soldiers first and if duty calls that is the priority.

In terms of my references to their work ethics and such, this is only in my particular section with those individuals.  I do know a few other soldiers that work in similar atmospheres as mine but have not had the the issues I did.  

I appreciate your thoughts!
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TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
I am a contractor and work for GS civilians and work with active military. In my experience it has helped that we have all worked or work in the same field and are there to complete a critical mission.

But when I was active I did have some experiences that were not that different than you described. Most of them the common thread was people that just wanted to collect a paycheck and had the "we get paid by the hour" mindset.
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SPC(P) Thomas Beliveau
I work with all civilians as well, and have to say that I really enjoy it. They have a ton of experience and have been very helpful, moreso than any military I've worked with I'd have to say. Also, it is nice to work with them, because they provide a different point of view from military personnel, which is refreshing to say the least. Also, it really helps when developing contacts for employment after the service.
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