Associate Degree

Associate Degree graduates | RallyPoint

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SFC Jade Redmond

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An associate’s degree is a two-year post-secondary degree. Students who pursue this kind of degree full-time can complete a program in as little as two years— though many choose to go at their own pace. An associate degree translates into the first two years of a bachelor’s degree (freshman and sophomore years).
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How this type degree can help you

Some occupations require workers to have a least “some college” in their educational background, in which case, an associate degree is a perfect fit. Other employers simply require employees to have an associate degree and have it listed as an essential job qualification.
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How to determine if this degree is for you

If you don't a degree of any type, the associate degree is a good first step toward future academic progress.
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Advice for those interested in this degree

What advice would you give to those interested in this degree?

Most recent contributors: SFC Jade Redmond

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