Posted on Oct 13, 2015
LCpl Tom Goudey
Posted Here:


Hello Readers:

The Government of The United States of America has found some issues with the National Currency and Coins that may be of some interest to the International Community.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was sent a message from the Bank of North America asking ISO to add the Continental Dollar to the country code USA. It was specific to make sure the U.S. dollar was separate from the Continental Dollar.

Then the committee started brain storming about currency itself. A few interesting points came out of the conversation.

1: First Point was the credit river decision: LINK

2: Second Point was a particular case involving the Liberty Dollar which read:

Source LINK:

Quote: The Liberty Dollars Case

In 2011, a man named Bernard van NotHaus was convicted of several federal charges in connection with a coin currency he created, called the Liberty Dollar. The prosecution of this case sent a wave of worry through local currency projects around the country. However, there were some important difference between van NotHaus’ coins and other local currencies. The Liberty Dollar coins had a “$” symbol, used the words “dollar,” “USA,” “Liberty,” “Trust in God” (instead of In God We Trust) and looked in design like coins of the national U.S. currency. According to the FBI, van NotHaus was found guilty on four counts: “making coins resembling U.S. coins; issuing, passing, selling, and possessing Liberty Dollar coins; issuing and passing Liberty Dollar coins intended for use as current money; and conspiring against the United States.”6 end quote

3: Third issue that came up was this statement in the Liberty Dollar Case: “and looked in design like coins of the national U.S. currency”.

Question: Since when did the U.S. ever have a national currency?

4: Then this was found: LINK

Please notice on that link that a national currency was issued by a public bank.


Here is information about the Third National Bank of Scranton:
“Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)” Source LINK

Notice that the listing had to be specific about (federal) when using the term “national”…

The reference to the ISO was for a specific reason.

Quote: “The International Organization for Standardization is committed to protecting the privacy of its members, customers, and other contacts.” Source LINK

The Bank of North America is hereby issuing a international public apology because the Bank of North America had no idea that ISO issued currency codes for private currency and not National Currency. It further did not realize that the ISO is a private membership association along with the United Nations. The Bank of North America did not realize that the United Nations can not exist as a public entity otherwise it would be liable for violating 194 national laws of countries in its daily activity. The Bank of North America further did not realize that in order to be a member of the United Nations and have its currency recognized by said United Nations, that it has to give up its National Currency and therefore its National Character thereby rendering its Nationals stateless.

The Government of The United States of America does appreciate ISO’s silence in the matter because if ISO were to issue a currency code or add the Continental Dollar to the USA country code, it would violate Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thereby rendering the Continental Dollar a private fiat currency rather then a National Currency.

All of these facts are facts which renders a few questions:

1: How do judges sleep at night after rendering judgments in the form of fines under a constitution thereby claiming constitutional authority, and at the same time collect a currency that is not recognized by the (federal) United States nor the constitution from which authority is being claimed?

2: How does someone break a national law when the same entity gave up its nationality by enforcing the circulation a private currency not recognized by the enforcer?

3: How does a private organization create International law without the liability and authority of the law of nations or international law?

4: How does a (federal) United States circulate and enforce a currency it does not officially recognize and then claim it has been offended after it has offended itself with its own private currency that it does not recognize?

5: How can the (federal) United States pay its debt if it does not recognize the private currency it borrows, claim it as evidence of a debt and claim that to not re-issue it is an offense against itself?

6: How can the (federal) United States claim a currency that it does not recognize to be backed by oil and call it the petro-dollar?

7: How can the (federal) United States claim a nationality when it gave up its national currency and coin?

8: How can the (federal) United States require certain credentials to board a plane or use public property when it does not recognize the currency that is required to be used to purchase the credentials and the ticket to board the plane?

9: How can the (federal) United States internationally trade with other countries if it does not have a currency that it recognizes in circulation?

10: If the private currency is not recognized by the (federal) United States, how does it justify rendering people homeless by foreclosure within its courts?

These are just a few questions for the International Community to attempt to make sense of the existence of something that does not recognize its own existence…

The Continental Dollar has been re-introduced to the world, it is up to the world to come back to its senses and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

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Responses: 3
LCpl Tom Goudey
LCpl Tom Goudey
Edited >1 y ago
Here is the deal U.S. Military:

The United States has one National Government by the grace of the Most High.
I am the Secretary of State for that one National Government that has a National Currency. We either work together, or the best case scenario is that one falls and the other stands.

This Government knows that everyone wants a National Government.
To make that happen with enforcement, there only need the deceptions removed from your heads. The people in America are living in a dream world with a alternate reality created by television and the media.
If there is any empathy left in your hearts for the next generation, then all of you will hear these words.

The General Post Office can support many different governments as long as they are within one Union. It cannot support foreign governments. Many outside forces have done their best to break up this Union and the U.S. Congress and its commander in chief has helped those outside forces without a shadow of a doubt. This General Post Office can fix the problems, however there will be conditions in that support. What say all of you? Yes I am interested in hearing the fixes, or no, I don't want to hear anymore.
LCpl Tom Goudey
LCpl Tom Goudey
>1 y
First Rule:
The Continental Dollar will not be traded for currencies that are not National Currencies. The Continental Dollar will remain within the original United States. When international trade is agreed upon. The trade will be for products of equal value. There is no reason to print a National Currency and buy foreign products country to country and then go through the issue of gold trade etc... That form of trade makes no sense whatsoever. Foreign commercial liens on foreign gold is a stupid way of doing business.
Rule Two:
By keeping the National Currency within the original United States. The National Currency gives the people back their National Independence. Further, with the product trade with other countries, it creates jobs automatically.
Rule Three:
The original United States means the metes and bounds of The United States of America.
Rule Four:
The General Post Office will be for the U.S. city-state and its military if the Military becomes a peace keeping force and not used to steal natural resources for supra national corporations just looking to rule the world and disturb the peace.
Rule Five:
Gold backed National Currency (Continental Dollar) needs to remain within the metes and bounds of The United States of America and will be redeemed for gold or silver to those Nationals with an oath or affirmation to the country.
Rule Six:
The United States, in Congress assembled has the authority to tax foreign corporations doing business within its metes and bounds. As far as taxing the individual, that can only happen if the individual refuses to take an oath or affirmation of allegiance to the country. No direct taxes on American Nationals is allowed.
Rule Seven:
All loans and issuance of National currency will be implmented without interest and debt free. All printing of National Currency will be done on a need basis. Inflating the National currency is strictly forbidden.
Rule Eight:
All National currency will be circulated by Public Banks. Private Banks are strictly forbidden from issuing National Currency (Continental Dollar).

Rule Nine:
The U.S. Treasury note can be traded for foreign currencies for the purpose of military overseas and tourism. There is no reason why investors cannot start investing here within the metes and bounds of The United States of America. Overseas investment should be on a Government basis until the country recovers from this debacle.

Keep in mind that the National currency will be available to cover the pensions and savings of the people. No one will lose anything if this Government has something to say about it.

This Government is open for input and keep in mind that these terms are preliminary and open for better ideas if any...
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Capt Rich Buckley
Edited >1 y ago
(1) 9/11/2020 I don’t see myself voluntarily being chipped.


I still want to have real pocket currency of coins and paper money to spend in my local stores where merchants are required by law to accept it.... and I don’t see myself being voluntarily chipped.

(2) 9/14/2020 The New Currency Transfer System Has Started?
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