Posted on Oct 20, 2015
MSgt Roger Younce
I am looking for a little school advice. I am 55 years old and I retired from the USAF 11 years ago. I have 4 associate degrees (Industrial Security, Instructional Technology, General Studies and Information Systems Technology). I have been looking for work in IT, teaching or law enforcement but with no success. Since I can't find work I have decided to go back to school. Does anyone have any suggestions for schools I can check on that will give me credit for my past experiences and take most of my credits. I plan to go back to school in January. I have my transcripts ready and now I just need to find a good school I can send them too. Any suggestions for a good school would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 6
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
MSgt Roger Younce try this school, I got a second career in Management. It is a great VET friendly school.
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MSgt April Monthie
Hi Roger,
Did you take your Certification test for your A+, Net+, Security+, Window Server, Window 8, courses. If you took those and pass them I can work on getting g you a job with a company like Wells Fargo in the IT Department. Those Certifications pair with your IT AA and Job experience should be all you need. Call me.

MSgt Roger Younce
MSgt Roger Younce
>1 y
So what you are telling me is you can get me a job if I get some certifications? i figured with a 2 year degree in information Systems Technology and over 20 years in computers (including teaching hardware and software) i would be able to get a IT job. I guess a 2 year IT degree is not worth much these days. I was looking to get my BA in IT but I am not sure if I want to take a chance to get that degree and not get a job. That would be a waste of money. Thanks for your willingness to help. I may go back and get some certifications but I am not sure if I am going to do that anytime soon.
MSgt April Monthie
MSgt April Monthie
>1 y
Roger, your 1 time testing vouchers for your certification were included with your courses you might as well use them if you haven't already. I know we never use the CCNA ones. Not sure about the others. Most companies are looking for the certifications with the degrees and some companies prefer certifications over the degrees now a days if you don't have both.
SPC Mischa Greenslet
SPC Mischa Greenslet
>1 y
I would have to agree with April. College degrees, especially undergraduate education, is very generalized. A professional certification shows that you are proficient in/at specific set of standards.
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SPC Mischa Greenslet
Norwich University is an excelent school for IT/IS. I just finished my masters degree through them. Their online programs are also top rated.
Is it military friendly? Absolutely. In fact it is where the ROTC was founded. One of our guest speakers for residency was Lt. General Bowen the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the DoD ISO.

I would highly recommend this school, and it is approved for VA chapter 31 funding if you are enrolled in the VA's voc rehab program. Thier job placement numbers are really high as well.

Good luck!
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