Posted on Feb 20, 2015
2 important definitions for RESERVIST "IDT" Inactive Duty Training, Active Duty, as defined in Law of the United States, USCODE 37
I continue to think that uses of INACTIVE in reference to Active Members drilling every month to protect America is incorrect and misleading and damaging.
Would you believe that Inactive Duty Training is done on a "voluntary basis" as defined as law. You are in an active status following orders, doing hazardous duties mental and physical, over 48 hours, risking your hide. There is an Inactive Reserves. Why are they not using IDT to explain their training. But infact Inactive Reserves use ADT or AT (A)ACTIVE to define their training.
Does INACTIVE describe your missing benefits, that are limited to only the 48 hours, you were doing Hazardous Duties both mental and physical in uniform?
There are not enough protections for SELRES who are under enlistment. I learned to hard way.
§101. Definitions
In addition to the definitions in sections 1–5 of title 1, the following definitions apply in this title:
(18) The term "active duty" means full-time duty in the active service of a uniformed service,
and includes full-time training duty, (((((( annual training duty ))))))))), full-time National Guard duty, and
attendance, while in the active service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the
Secretary concerned
(20) The term "active service" means service on active duty.
(22) The term "inactive-duty training" means—
(A) duty prescribed for members of a reserve component by the Secretary concerned under
section 206 of this title or any other law; and
(B) special additional duties authorized for members of a reserve component by an authority
designated by the Secretary concerned and performed by them on a voluntary basis in
connection with the prescribed training or maintenance activities of the units to which they are
assigned; and includes those duties when performed by members of a reserve component in their status as
members of the National Guard, but (except as provided in section 206(d)(2) of this title) does not
include work or study in connection with a correspondence course of a uniformed service.
(23) The term "member" means a person appointed or enlisted in, or conscripted into, a
uniformed service.
(24) The term "reserve component" means—
(A) the Army National Guard of the United States;
(B) the Army Reserve;
(C) the Navy Reserve;
(D) the Marine Corps Reserve;
(E) the Air National Guard of the United States;
(F) the Air Force Reserve;
(G) the Coast Guard Reserve; or
(H) the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service.
Would you believe that Inactive Duty Training is done on a "voluntary basis" as defined as law. You are in an active status following orders, doing hazardous duties mental and physical, over 48 hours, risking your hide. There is an Inactive Reserves. Why are they not using IDT to explain their training. But infact Inactive Reserves use ADT or AT (A)ACTIVE to define their training.
Does INACTIVE describe your missing benefits, that are limited to only the 48 hours, you were doing Hazardous Duties both mental and physical in uniform?
There are not enough protections for SELRES who are under enlistment. I learned to hard way.
§101. Definitions
In addition to the definitions in sections 1–5 of title 1, the following definitions apply in this title:
(18) The term "active duty" means full-time duty in the active service of a uniformed service,
and includes full-time training duty, (((((( annual training duty ))))))))), full-time National Guard duty, and
attendance, while in the active service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the
Secretary concerned
(20) The term "active service" means service on active duty.
(22) The term "inactive-duty training" means—
(A) duty prescribed for members of a reserve component by the Secretary concerned under
section 206 of this title or any other law; and
(B) special additional duties authorized for members of a reserve component by an authority
designated by the Secretary concerned and performed by them on a voluntary basis in
connection with the prescribed training or maintenance activities of the units to which they are
assigned; and includes those duties when performed by members of a reserve component in their status as
members of the National Guard, but (except as provided in section 206(d)(2) of this title) does not
include work or study in connection with a correspondence course of a uniformed service.
(23) The term "member" means a person appointed or enlisted in, or conscripted into, a
uniformed service.
(24) The term "reserve component" means—
(A) the Army National Guard of the United States;
(B) the Army Reserve;
(C) the Navy Reserve;
(D) the Marine Corps Reserve;
(E) the Air National Guard of the United States;
(F) the Air Force Reserve;
(G) the Coast Guard Reserve; or
(H) the Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 1
I’ve had the opportunity(Ies) to go to different units to fill a slot for manpower requirements so they can meet minimal manpower.. I’d been asked a few times if i’d Like to transfer units.. I was happy where I was. We were ‘fat’ full compliment of authorized assigned Airmen(all AFSCs authorized). The couple units that wanted me had a retention prob.. ( I knoticed some low morale, maybe.. some said it was budget.. I did notice the food selection was two meats, two starches, two veg’s, a gravy that could serve both entrees, a soup, just enough salads (one could only pick one.. if two, leave the desert.. there was a lemon lime with some veg or orange carrot pineapple jello.. that could be a dessert or salad(w/o whipped topping it was a salad and had a lettuce liner..). I noticed dessert selection minimal.. I asked the TSGT did they have enough bread loaves to spare.. got a whole rack there (pointing to it) help your self. Another Airman and I cut up wheat, white, raisin bread in cubes and seen a bunch of donuts that looked on the stale side of life. So we threw all that I cut up stuff in some roast pans after we used dobie on the sides and bottom( shorting mixed with flour.. do product doesn’t stick). Put the bread in and then the fruit(canned fruit cocktail and then custard filling and baked it. We made a mild nutmeg sauce to dribble over.. this would be for next meal..
We also made some fresh cake brownies.. (extra eggs, just a few more than required..). If bread pudding is made right and has s good sauce. It’s fabulous..
we had some ice cream .. that goes great with brownies.. back to the entree. They had Salisbury steaks which is over sized meatballs . Done on the grills outside..
and had bbq’d pigs in s blanket.. hot dogs wrapped in bacon and smothered in bbq sauce.. made on premises not open pit..
Real mashed potatoes, or Rice.. gravy..
I showed them I knew my stuff and still be in budget., We made the Airmen satisfied that Saturday supper.. That TSGT and MSGT were shaking their heads.. the MSGT said the bean-counters were gonna have his head on a platter at the next cmdr’s Budget meeting.. I’d already costed out the extra stuff (what they called extra).. and we were still in budget for that master menu.. We had a nice Sunday breakfast, sausage patty, bacon, ham, omelets, eggs in a basket.. with hollandaise and grilled ham slice.. (there were no english muffins)..
We were gone after breakfast.. going home .. The MSGT said he’d send me a card from Leavenworth.. “why?” I asked everything was in budget Sgt. J. You’ll be ok! I costed that stuff out.. the only expense in the bread pudding is the eggs, fruit cocktail, the milk, that bread was excess from the bread company.. the brownies were excess mix.. stores Sgt. Said that.. what about that ice cream, he asked.. that belonged the regular Base food service, they’ll never miss it , it was only 30 gallons.. I enjoyed helping them and maybe I’d return s’day.. I got iyt of there and got to the Airport and flew back home to Michigan..
We also made some fresh cake brownies.. (extra eggs, just a few more than required..). If bread pudding is made right and has s good sauce. It’s fabulous..
we had some ice cream .. that goes great with brownies.. back to the entree. They had Salisbury steaks which is over sized meatballs . Done on the grills outside..
and had bbq’d pigs in s blanket.. hot dogs wrapped in bacon and smothered in bbq sauce.. made on premises not open pit..
Real mashed potatoes, or Rice.. gravy..
I showed them I knew my stuff and still be in budget., We made the Airmen satisfied that Saturday supper.. That TSGT and MSGT were shaking their heads.. the MSGT said the bean-counters were gonna have his head on a platter at the next cmdr’s Budget meeting.. I’d already costed out the extra stuff (what they called extra).. and we were still in budget for that master menu.. We had a nice Sunday breakfast, sausage patty, bacon, ham, omelets, eggs in a basket.. with hollandaise and grilled ham slice.. (there were no english muffins)..
We were gone after breakfast.. going home .. The MSGT said he’d send me a card from Leavenworth.. “why?” I asked everything was in budget Sgt. J. You’ll be ok! I costed that stuff out.. the only expense in the bread pudding is the eggs, fruit cocktail, the milk, that bread was excess from the bread company.. the brownies were excess mix.. stores Sgt. Said that.. what about that ice cream, he asked.. that belonged the regular Base food service, they’ll never miss it , it was only 30 gallons.. I enjoyed helping them and maybe I’d return s’day.. I got iyt of there and got to the Airport and flew back home to Michigan..
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