Posted on Dec 31, 2014
CPT Aaron Kletzing
By the time Dec 31, 2015 comes around in a year, what do you hope RallyPoint has accomplished during 2015? What is the one thing you hope RP achieves over the next 365 days? Tell us your ideas! We will look back on them this time next year and see what we accomplished. ;)
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Edited >1 y ago
CPT Andrew Kletzing. I think RP needs a clear sense of mission . . . whether it wants to be the military version of LinkedIn, FaceBook, or perhaps something entirely unique. It may help for RP to have more of a sense of transparency in corporate organization / management . . . perhaps in the form of a far more visible working board of directors / external advisory board . . . together with news about progress in corporate fundraising, strategic partnerships, and the repackaging of the RP concept for other military organizations . . . e.g. UK, FR, DE, others.

Perhaps RP volunteer moderator etc opportunities should be recast to serve as internship and/or professional development appointments together with perhaps weekly or monthly virtual meetings, maybe organizational development / corporate personnel training to develop marketable management knowledge / skills / abilities, lines of supervision, professional standards / evaluations / future employment references. Provision should be made for feedback from volunteers / interns and employees . . . and more careful retention studies should be run to ensure mutual expectations are being managed . . . so we do not lose valuable contributors.

We need some mechanism to protect discussions by personally vulnerable individuals from google / public view . . . perhaps some mechanism for our users to recommend marking as nonpublic and/or to expire and remove at some decent interval discussions re severe mental health / career / drinking / marriage / other difficulties . . . so these do not haunt the originators / participants forever. Along similar lines . . . we need to think through how to develop more consistent and appropriate guidelines for the discrete referral of potentially vulnerable users to chaplain / medical / other care and services via appropriate contacts at their local command / champva / tricare or other competent intake for intervention . . . the last thing we need is to become culpable in association with obviously unmet medical / interpersonal / psychiatric call for help.

RP email and posting would benefit from the ability to include PDF / DOC / other reasonable size attachments.

Some consideration should be given to developing nondilutive collaborative funding from the military and/or other organizations . . . perhaps through SBIR / STTR grant mechanism . . . or other Executive / Congressional Direct Appropriations to support further growth and development of RP as a platform for outreach and communication with the RP community. Newly developed IP with commercial potential should be documented and considered for appropriate legal protection. I am certain with time for careful study and consideration many other users will contribute additional tactical and strategic vision for improvement.

All that said . . . hearty congratulations to RP Management, Staff, and Volunteers for doing an exceptional job of bringing your theoretical comcept into being as a living / vibrant / caring military community . . . both online in the virtual world . . . and far more remarkably in physical world . . . together with the annual RP user meeting.

Thank you so much for helping me reconnect with my old friends and colleagues . . . and to meet and help new friends. My experience with RP has been deeply meaningful to me . . . and helped to fill a difficult void in my life.

My Warmest & Most Sincere Congratulations & Best Wishes To Everyone In The New Year!!!

Your Friend, Cheer Leader, Supporter & Colleague, Sandy ( Never Underestimate A Woman With Dog Tags )

LTC Yinon Weiss RallyPoint Team
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala I concur very good post.
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
I echo everything 1LT Sandy Annala said. I think kudos is in order. With that been said, I would reiterate your having a clear objective and mission. I think RP has the potential to go beyond facebook and linked in.

I would add better mobile support and tablet friendly would be key. I most use RP through my phone and ipad. There is no iPad app for RP and the phone app still leaves a lot to be desired on the 8.1 iOS and iPhone 5. Also a clearer definition of admin roles and abilities and how one can advance in that role if desired. Here's to making 2015 better!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
PV2 Wilcox, Some RP iPad app works for me, it is just that I am sometimes clumsy.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I access RP on my iPad mini with Safari don't use the app. I find I like it better.
PO2 Jonathan Scharff
CPT Aaron Kletzing how about, "Rallypoint vowes to only make spelling and grammar corrections to members posts and will never change the titles, posts or add photos to make them more controversial without the posting members permission?" Seems fair to me and I think we all deserve an official statement from RP on this issue.

Thank you all for your service and I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!
SGT Journeyman Plumber
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
This has happened to me once, but I was able to get it fixed pretty quick by complaining to support. I understand admins changing titles a little if they feel they can reword it better, just don't add a bias into it that wasn't the original posters intent. Same idea for pictures. Spelling corrections, grammar corrections and improving tags is nothing to complain about IMO.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
PO2 Jonathan Scharff I disagree with correcting others spelling and grandmother (not just grammar) errors. we all feel a certain pride in what we rite (sic) and sometimes you are going to drive people away by being over corrective and embarrassing them. Most of our computers have built in corrective software and if people choose to not use it there must be a reason.
PO2 Jonathan Scharff
PO2 Jonathan Scharff
>1 y
CMDCM Gene Treants I actually agree with you about spelling and grammar corrections. That reference was to a previous post yesterday by CPT Aaron Kletzing where he addressed the type of corrections that he, as an administrator has made. This is my second post where I have asked for a direct response from Admin on this matter. Hopefully soon we can all hear a clear policy from RP regarding this situation.
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Sgt National Military Recruiting Program Manager
Edited >1 y ago
I believe that RallyPoint is the next (or current) big thing for military. Particularly in the transition phases. As we know, the military itself doesn't do enough to prepare armed forces members for their next phases in life. RallyPoint has become a forum for some of these discussions and stands to command the whole, or the bulk of the active duty and veteran population.

From the employer side, there are tons of little veteran-assistance and for-profit entities sprouting up to "assist" with the transition, but NONE of them command the actual military population. I think that RallyPoint, with the current career-assistance options and job-boards is just scraping the surface. I imagine more services, networking sources and even in-person events or summits being extremely useful and making some serious waves in this military to civilian space. Creating these resources, transition packages, how-to videos...etc (branded by RP) could be huge. There is a lot of talk about networking and it's value, but it is apparent that many vets and transitioning service members don't actually know how to effectively do it; for example.
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