Posted on Feb 3, 2017
MAJ Chief, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
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Responses: 11
GySgt Melissa Gravila
Because I'm 70% disabled, I get all of my meds for free through the VA I have no reason to use Walgreens
MAJ Chief, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Valid point. I think a lot of people bypass the long lines and choose to pay instead of wait. Personally if I had any type of expensive med (not aspirin or Tylenol) I would get them at VA or in a post.
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I don't wait in any lines at all, my meds get mailed to me. I'm enrolled in, I just go online, order the refills, and they are mailed to me. I can even email my doctors, check lab results, get medical records, etc from the site. Easy sign up
Hope this helps!
PO2 Robert M.
PO2 Robert M.
>1 y
I also receive my Rx's from the Veteran's Hospital, but my family ( TRICARE ) members USED to use CVS, then we were forced to use WALGREENS when CVS no longer accepted TRICARE. I like Walgreens better and the Rx's are cheaper!
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited >1 y ago
My wife and I use a combination or Express Scripts AKA, pharma by mail...and here in Texas the pharmacy at our local HEB grocery store.
I have nothing more to ask of my pharmacy, so no need to change.... If I was traveling monthly and need a national chain to get meds from, perhaps Id choose a different source...

BTW, if you have not tried Express Scripts..DO SO..Its convenient, cheaper, and you get a 90 day supply of reoccurring meds (other then narcotics) shipped to your mail box.
MAJ Chief, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm currently AD and working in Pharmacy. I have all the convenience in the world filling my meds where I work now. I was mainly asking just for knowlesgr on how people feel about the inclusion of Walgreens. Using Express Scripts is cheaper and way more convenient (both for patient and Tricare). The MTFs are actually trying to recapture patients to get them filling their meds on post too
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I also use the local MTF as its is a hassle, and I choose not to go on post mostly... but Free is hard to beat.
SFC Walter Williams, Jr.
SFC Walter Williams, Jr.
>1 y
I live in Northern VA, so I have access to many military installations here. The MTF;s are the first priority and Walgreens is second. Walgreens comes into play when I have to get a prescription for my wife and she needs it right away.
SSG Laurie Mullen
SSG Laurie Mullen
>1 y
I tried Express Scripts, but I didn't like it. I prefer to face-to-face pharmacies.
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CPT Laurie H.
I do! I used CVS until Tricare changed that game on me. Walgreens is much more inconvenient location-wise for me, but their customer service has been great since I switched.
MAJ Chief, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
It's always a Haarlem when switching any healthcare provider, but I'm glad the customer service has helped, even if the location is inconvenient. Have you thought of using Express Scripts Mail Order? If your provider writes for a full year worth of meds, it may help with the travel.
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