Posted on Sep 25, 2014
SFC Michael Hasbun
Swearing ceremony
*Edit for clarity*

So after reviewing all the below comments and responses, it's apparent that there are a few divergent arguments being had, few if which address the intended message of the OP at all.

Hopefully I can add some clarity. The intended message is this; " we should not be judging people by race, ethnicity, or origin. Individuals should be each assessed on their individual abilities, skills, and merit.".

That's it. Any other message was not intended. I find the practice of judging others for genetic happenstance to be abhorrent.
Posted in these groups: Immigration logo ImmigrationOpportunity logo Opportunity
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 35
SFC William Swartz Jr
Personally I fail to understand why my not supporting allowing ILLEGAL immigrants to serve in my country's armed forces makes me a Xenophobe. These are individuals who either through their own actions or those of their families have illegally entered this nation, and more likely than not, been the recipient of benefits that they are not entitled to, and do not contribute to the support of those programs they draw from. I have no issue with individuals who have entered into this country legally and are in the process of becoming citizens of this country, serving in the armed forces, to me they deserve the opportunity to serve and excel, unlike those who care not for the laws and policies of the nation they have crept into. I still do not understand how it is we welcome illegals with open arms and benefits, when almost every other nation has harsh penalties in place and utilized for the same type of actions in their nations.........
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
>1 y
This is the most ridiculous statement. NO we have illegal immigrants and legal ones that pulled of 911. Be suspicious of all illegal immigrants. If they don't want to register and become a citizen. They are not to be trusted.Absolutely no illegal citizens in our military. Look at Afghanistan we trained their soldiers only for them to be on the inside to make it easier to betray us and their own country.Let me clarify my statement that I in no way am trying to insult "Legal immigrants" I would not mind them being in our military.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSgt John Johnston, congratulations to your wife. I hope she is able to make it next year.
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
>1 y
Congratulations to you and your wife. I hope she gets her citizenship next year. I hear that test is hard and most of us Americans wouldn't pass. I almost married a Phillipino now I wish I had think of that beautiful lady every day. Wish I could find her.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
We are a nation of immigrants, most did it legally and should be treated accordingly for obeying our laws. Most have become citizens and did it the correct legal way. Illegal aliens have broken the law and like anyone who has broken the law, if a serious midemeanor or felony, be denied entry into our military. The way to destroy an institution is to overwhelm it with members who are not loyal to the traditions and mores of that institution. Illegal aliens have demonstrated contempt for our laws by their mere presence in this nation. All these aliens we have coming here today fall into the theory by leftists Cloward and Piven, both writing to illustrate how to bring down a nation. It just so happens these were two of the CICs professors at Columbia. Weaken society, weaken the military, weaken the nation. All part of his master plan to fundamentally change this nation.
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LTC Paul Labrador
As an immigrant, I have issues with allowing folks who are here illegally to serve. No issues with legal aliens signing up. The more you legitimize bad behavior (ie illegal immigration) the more you encourage it. To me it's not an issue of xenophobia, but following the laws. Now, i also don't see an issue of recruiting from some of these nations either. It gives people a legal outlet to immigrate to the US and it allows the US to vette the people coming in.

Now if you want to talk xenophobic policy, how about the law that only natural born citizens can serve as president? I think that one is a bit unfair. Who is to say that a person who has lived here their entire life, but wasn't born here, is less trustworthy than say my younger brother, who has the same parents, same influences, but was lucky enough to be born here.
SSG Ncoic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree Sir. I am too was an " Alien" . I came with my parents when I was 12 years old. It took my parents almost two years to have the proper paperwork approved, they sold 2 businesses, a house and 3 cars to make their dream come true and never regrated a thing even through all the hurdles that came their way. My parents got their American citizenship after 5 years being in country, 15 years later I got mine while in AIT, my SGL helped with the paperwork, 8 weeks later I sworned in uniform, aside from the birth of my daughters it was one of my proudest moment..... I am proud to be an American, I love to wear the uniform. I am that soldier that will stop in the middle of the road during reveille and retreat at all times to include my family when in the car with me...... I joined because I wanted to, I owed it the the WWII vet that came to my country FRANCE, and fought to liberate it. My grand father was in the French resistance and fought along side some amazing US Soldiers..... Sorry I got carried away..... But yes I agree illegal aliens should not be allowed to join any military corps. Their history and back ground is unknown.... My family went thru an extensive background check before immigration approved their paperwork..
SSgt Thomas A Tullis Jr
SSgt Thomas A Tullis Jr
>1 y
Sgt Chanudet, thank you. LTC Labrador, I agree with your statement. I have no issues with legal immigration and legal immigrants serving. I have issues rewarding Illegal activity with Legal rewards. This is another end run around the Constitution, our laws and the PEOPLE'S desires!
CSM Civil Affairs Specialist
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, cannot agree with both of your statements more. Well said.
SSG John Erny
SSG John Erny
>1 y
I helped a PFC fill out the paper work to go from green card holder to citizen, it was easy and they fast track service members. If I remember right they have to have served at least two years. I think it a great program for the most part. There was this one kid from Hong Kong that was not running on all cylinders, how he made it through basic is beyond me.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SFC William Swartz Jr - SFC Michael Hasbun

William. You are not a Xenophobe because you reject illegal aliens getting citizenship. The whole context is a pretext and a bald faced lie.

Michael -
The term 'Merica' itself pisses me off. It is an underhanded attempt to marginalize people who are fiercely proud of their country. It would probably include those who might be considered 'redneck' and that is the crux of this issue. The people that most support this carte blanche legalization of illegal immigrants are being disingenuous because many of these illegal aliens are not scientists but a way to gather more votes.

One gets the distinct notion that some want to win elections by any means possible to win elections and then uses this idea of highly skilled workers as cover, which is definitely is. So in the appearance of fairness (ha!) some perpetrate their dogmas by judicial fiat. Nice try but not buying that.
SSgt Senior It Security Analyst
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Brad Porter I, personnally, understand your view and usage of that slang reference for America. However, I've seen it used just as SSgt (Join to see) has described, an underhanded attempt to marginalize people who are fiercely proud of their country and their freedoms they have because of living in this country. I personally have been a target of that marginalization.

As for being labeled a Xenophobe (not directing this at you SSG Porter), I find it distastful that ANY person who is opposed to illegal immigration should be labeled in such a way. I favor immigration, so long as it is done legally. Our immigration policy exists for a number of reasons, including but not limited to infectious disease control, and national security. I see the label as an attempt to demonize opposition in order to expand a particular party's voting base (just my opinion).
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