Posted on Dec 23, 2013
SSG Unit Supply Specialist
Posted in these groups: Ca2 Career Advice
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Responses: 3
SSG Retiree
Brother this is my advice. From one QM to another, we have a lot of latitude to move around in a unit. There is the good movement "Up" and the still positive movement "lateral", so you first want to look around the unit and see if there is a staff position opening up, BN S3 Schools, or if you have a TS you can fill as the S2 security manager, all good positions for a 5 to fill. Or find a way to be the unit, or next echelon higher's Supply NCOIC. You have to actually go looking for these, units are always interviewing for these positions to be filled but they don't want some NCO who's only going to get part of the job done. Next are the lateral movements, if you want out of the supply room look in the motor pool for a Clerks position, all motor pools are looking for a good supply clerk. Just spitballing but all of the things I've seen Y's and A's do in and around my unit. Good luck, and Happy Holidays.  
SSG Unit Supply Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I appreciate the advice. Are you a Y or A?
SSG Retiree
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Actually R, but I've served as a "backup supply sgt" back at Bragg, and when my last unit decommissioned I got added to Staff as the S3 Schools NCO for the BN. Being where I was at my eyes were opened to a new world watching how the unit moves people around.
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SSG Supply Sergeant (S4)
Edited 9 y ago
SGT Shinsako,

I am leaving a HHT (92Y3) for the PBO (92Y2) which is a step down according to MTOE. However if you look at the DA PAM 600-25 or go onto your Army Career Tracker (both powerful career managment tools) PBO is a good look. SASMO, IG, Instructor Writer, Observer Controller are all good looks. I have a S4 NCOIC that has been passed over by junior SFC's off of the strength of their broadening assignment. The SFC has better NCOER's and has held every job within the operational function of 92Y (IG, PBO, S4, BDE S4, and SAMSO), has a degree and was still looked over. His peers that were selected for the job were Cadre at the Advanced Airborne School and Path Finder (sling load inspector) qualified. The other was a reclass from 79R which had given her the identifier and badge of career counselor. These are things that they are looking at. I know a SSG that was SSG when I was a private and he is still a SSG. Matter of fact I will catch up to him if I pick up in July. He doesnt even have a sequence number. I bet this is because he never got out of the supply cage. This is definitely an MOS in which you can retire a SSG if you are not on top of it and doing things outside of your MOS. I know that I am looking at either instructor writer or observer controller. My mentor who was my SGL from ALC has a sequence number and she has not been a SSG that long. She will get it on the first look guaranteed. You will get burned out going from supply cage to supply cage as every other one that you go to is messed up. Not to pick on the male 92Y's but our female counter parts are picking up MSG in 12 years. We are getting left behind.
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1SG First Sergeant
SSG (Join to see) not sure how things worked out for you but if your looking to try something different, go see CSM Mark Aaron 214th Fires BDE CSM. He's one of the best mentors I ever had. I'm sure he could use a high speed hard charging NCO looking to take on more responsibility!
SSG Unit Supply Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Joseph Benavidez, I just graduated from ALC last Thursday and I will make time to head over there to see him. I appreciate the advice.
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