Posted on Dec 31, 2019
Ashley Nicole
Interested in which military MOS are best experience for Boeing? I’m assuming aviation, but anything beyond that? And if anything, do you think the best bet is to get a degree while I’m active duty rather than rely on experience to get into Boeing?
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Responses: 13
SGM Bill Frazer
Ms Ashley, while it is nice to be able to dovetail military training/experience into a civilian job, if that is the reason for trying to enlist; then your are doing the Service/Nation a great dis-service. All parties would be better served if you just stayed home and pursued a degree in aviation.
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SGM Bill Frazer SGM, what's wrong with enlisting for the sole purpose of acquiring training and experience to enhance a future civilian career? The military gets what it needs, and the individual gets what they need. Seems like a win-win to me. Just curious about your perspective?
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
>1 y
Look I was in when recruiting was touting enlist for College classes, get a degree. Got damn tired of newbies coming into the 82nd and the 1st words out of their mouth, was "When do I start School?" With our OPTEMPO at the time maybe 3-4 folks got school time in the quarter. It is not about self that folks should enlist for- If they can piggyback their desires for education, great! Service should be about serving, defending, if that is not your goal during your 8 yr enlistment- THEN DON'T ENLIST!. It is about the unit, the people around you, caring more for them then your self. The big shame it that of the 1/2 dozen of folks commenting/reading this You were the only one who that it might not be right.
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SGM Bill Frazer - I've met a lot of people that enlisted for reasons other than just service to country, and many of them ended up being some of the best soldiers I ever worked with. I don't really care why people enlist as long as they pull their weight when they get in. If they took away all the other benefits of the military like college, training, job experience, etc., we wouldn't have much of a military left. People should know that the needs of the country come first when they're serving, but there is nothing wrong with the individual getting something out of the deal, too. The big shame is that of the 8 people that responded to the poster, you're the only one that didn't answer the poster's questions and instead chose to discourage her from enlisting.
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - Your opinion, whoppee
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Boeing is large enough to offer a full gamut of jobs. Education and experience will prevail.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
I have quite a few friends and family who work for Boeing. Some are NG, some are retired military, some are just normal civilians with no particular aviation history. So, go for something you enjoy, Boeing is a big hiring agency for veterans. One drawback of Boeing is they tend to lay their workers off for periods of time in accordance with the work availability. It's not as big a deal when you have a military pension to fall back on.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I have been wondering about the direction of Boeing stock considering the expensing of 737s.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
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MAJ Ken Landgren I'm sure they'll take a big hit for a while. But as a company they have too many solid programs, contracts, and lobbying efforts to stay down for long. I think most big companies face one or two major setbacks and still recover these days.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
True, it will be based on expectations vs reality. One can make a lot of money even if the stock price goes down.
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