Posted on Apr 28, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
325035 2 f4h5ca
Dear RallyPointers: I recently learned about a new offering for service people that allows them to bid on free concert/event tickets that have been donated exclusively for awarding to our veterans. I researched this company, and it is legit. Some events are based on a lottery system, and other events are based on first come, first serve. Events include concerts, sporting events, and every other kind of event.

I am NOT affiliated with VetTix. I think it is a great service/benefit for us, and I wanted to pass it along.

Please share this status with your people and spread the word:

Thank you! Semper Fi!
Posted in these groups: Main benefits 1335181026 Benefits3da17ee6 EventsConcerts banner Concerts
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Responses: 18
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
I've seen ads for it, but am I correct in that you have to bet for the tickets? Is it like an eBay type thing?

Sometimes I've found just doing some research ahead of time also saves me some money. I'm a member of USAA and there are a lot of Veteran and Military discounts there.

I can get great tickets to the Washington Nationals games for excellent prices. I saw a great game on Memorial Day 2 rows from the home dugout for $15 each for me and my daughter and got free drink tickets to boot.

There's also an app called Discount Soldier. Pretty good app too.
Sgt Dennis Addesso
Sgt Dennis Addesso
>1 y
It's not rally like ebay. Its more of a lottery. You accrue coins for being a member and answer a few questions here and there and get a few. If you recruit someone you get like 15. I was at the event and had on a VetTix hat and printed out a VetTix sign and got extra coins. It's a great site all in all. I am currently bidding on The Nutcracker Ballet to bring my 9 and 7 year old. There are several dates to place a wager of coins to win. Oh another thing, if you wager 50 coins and don't win, you get those coins back for another event. I'm very happy with the site.
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SFC Anabel Cepero
I love Vettix, I try to let as many people know about it.
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SGT William Howell
I have been a member for over 2 years. I have never been able to get one single ticket to anything. I have now marked their emails as spam.
Sgt Dennis Addesso
Sgt Dennis Addesso
>1 y
Really? I have been a member for a bit over two years. I bet 138 coins on the Jets game. There were 75 tickets available and I got 4. I paid a $15 servicing fee and 3 days later my tickets popped up in my email. If you never won and been a member that long you are just about guaranteed a win. Try it out again!
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
Sgt Dennis Addesso Thanks, but I am out. I have applied for tickets to music festivals, sports games, and concerts. I have found it to be a waste of time.
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